Growth scan ultrasound - 36 weeks measuring small

@fictitiousdinosaur I was about 37 weeks along and they said she was in the 16th percentile - clearly she was not šŸ˜‚ from my understanding the percentile is no indication of health. In knowing that, I was looking forward to having a smaller baby because giving birth to a large baby scared me.
@fictitiousdinosaur I never got all those numbers, I just went in for an ultrasound and they gave me her percentile number. I initially panicked and the tech told me that whatever percentile your baby falls under isnā€™t an indication or abnormality - it just means that overall, compared to all the babies that have been born, thatā€™s where my baby fell. Itā€™s just a number of statistics that are generally not accurate. I put it out of my mind at that point and channeled my ā€œzen,ā€ as I put it. As long as your providers arenā€™t making a big deal of it, donā€™t sweat it. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a law that if they see something off or abnormal they need to tell you. Have you had your apt and did you get any peace of mind? šŸ™šŸ¼

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