UK formula feeders - formula recommendations for gassy baby?


New member
I have a 2.5 week EFF baby who has started to really struggle with trapped wind in the past few days (both ends) and it’s really upsetting seeing him be uncomfortable.

We are currently using cow and gate powder and a Tommy Tippee prep machine, which I know does make formula quite bubbly. The prep machine is such a life saver I’d be reluctant to stop using it until I’ve tried troubleshooting some other things. We are also using Nuk anti colic bottles which we like and baby gets on well with.

I think I’ve read posts before where people have mentioned c&g being one of the more bubbly brands so I was wondering which others people have found good for reducing gas? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard about kendamil and hipp being good switches.

I’ve also read about people putting simethicone drops such as infacol in bottles to get rid of bubbles and was thinking of trying this too.

We have been trying new burping techniques and abdominal massage also.

Any other tips?
@liilas Thank you! Yes we have just started trying the swirling technique instead of shaking so will see if that makes any difference to the gassiness.
@romfordman HiPP Comfort might be worth a shot! We swear by HiPP AR! What about a probiotic?? BioGaia helps gas too! Gerber Soothe also makes one. We did not have luck on Kendamil Goat but know many people that have. Good luck!!