Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical


New member
So I got my first positive 13DPO after getting a negative at 10DPO. I took a full box (3) of FRERs on 14DPO to get a mixed bag of responses with the same sample. It was like 2 were mostly positive (but not matching darkness!) and 1 was almost negative. My e@h that day looked darker so I figured it was a bad batch or a fluke. I stoped testing. Today is 17DPO and I, on a bad whim, took another FRER and the line was about the same as the 14DPO, if not lighter. I’m still having symptoms but that probably means little if I still have some pregnancy hormones in my system right now. My symptoms are bloating, constipation, dry mouth, nausea, clear CM, and tender breasts. I had cramping for about 10 minutes for one day and zero spotting or bleeding.

I know more tests cannot change my outcome. I don’t plan on testing further. If this is a chemical, should I expect this to resolve within the next week? I’m 4+3 today. I’ve not experienced a loss before and I feel adrift, confused, like I want to start hysterically crying, and a little numb all at the same time. I also wonder if I’m manifesting my nausea as it feels extra bad this morning (likely due to stress).

Edit - feeling like shit and getting downvoted feels like peak Reddit 😅

Second edit - started bleeding this evening so it looks like this wasn’t going to last 💔
@brendaftl This is one of those things where it’s really hard to know at this stage. If it’s a chemical most doctors define that as a miscarriage prior to six weeks, so you should start bleeding prior to that. You can also in the meantime raise your concerns with a doctor and get some betas done which will tell you if they are trending in the right direction.

Anecdotally, all my FRERs looked the same until I was 5.6 or something and got a dye stealer. I only saw real progression day to day on my easy@home tests.

I’m sorry for your stress - early pregnancy is so weird and wacky and I wish we could tell you one way or the other!
@serenity66 Thank you for all these reminders and your personal experience. I’m still just baffled that with the same sample, the 3 tests out of a single box already had mixed results. I’m having a hard time believing those.
@brendaftl What time of day did you test for each, and how diluted was your urine? That could throw it off. You should really only expect to see a bit of progression every other day, and since it's only been 3 days, it could end up at similar darkness.

Since you have symptoms still (and that's pretty early for nausea), I bet you're fine, but maybe ask and see if you can your betas done if you're concerned.
@rda I’ve been urinating a lot so most of these tests have been in the morning but usually second trip to the bathroom. This morning’s test was FMU after 5 hours of sleep. I forgot to mention I also have pretty bad insomnia right now. I also stopped officially temping a few days ago (I still wear my Apple Watch but mostly wear it loose/normal and not tight).

I think you’re right about the nausea. I believe it’s more of a stress response. I also had an overlapping mild stomach bug when I tested positive (I started getting sick two days before my positive). I think I should be on the mend from my illness by now.

I explained all of this to my husband and since I still feel off, he’s “going to try to be hopeful for both of us.”

I’m going to slap on a liner and try to distract myself.

Also loving your user name in a messed up way 😅
@rda Oh, okay! Nausea and bloating is kicking my ass this morning so maybe it’s just a little bit of everything - pregnancy hormones, stress response, and residual stomach bug from 6 nearly a week ago.

Still put on a liner and crossing my fingers. I want to be hopeful.
@brendaftl Ugh Reebs I’m so sorry to read this post from you—I have to confess I clicked on your profile because I wanted to see if you posted an updated test because I’m invested in this being it for you!! For some reassurance: 1) In my experience, the dark pink FRERs are downright awful for tracking progression/any sort of attempted quantification. You discovered that yourself when you got a mixed result with the same sample. Easy@homes have been much more reliable for me. 2) I prefer to test with SMU but only when the hold is < 2-3 hours. For me, for some reason, if I tested after not peeing for 4-5+ hours overnight my tests could be lighter—I sort of wonder if HCG in urine breaks down slightly over time, which is why a lot of people swear by SMU over FMU. I don’t want to give you false hope but I still very much think this can be a healthy pregnancy. Thinking of you and hoping your continue to have the privilege of nausea over the next few weeks 😅
@praisestogod I think I hate these dark pink caps too 😵‍💫

That’s wild you got better SMU tests! So today’s test that was a bit lighter was the first FMU test I had? I think? The more I think about it, the more I remember waking at 2/3am to use the restroom and then testing when I was up for the day for the others. This is also why I vow to not test again! What ever happens, happens at this point.

I appreciate ALL the honesty and I truly have no reason to think bad things are happening other than this morning’s test. I still have all the symptoms, no cramping, no spotting. Just time will tell! If I am destined to go back to TFA, it will be okay ❤️
@brendaftl Got ya—yes, I basically don’t trust FMU at all anymore. It’s so variable based on how long I slept for. So hopefully you’re comparing apples to oranges. It sucks these things are out of our control, and it will be okay but I really think you’ll be able to stay away!!!
@brendaftl I HATE FRERs. They are so inconsistent and so finicky. I have had false NEGATIVES with both of my last viable pregnancies while my cheapies showed progression. Does your prenatal have biotin in it? FRER is the only test on the market that is impacted by biotin… I had to dilute my urine to get positive results half the time during this pregnancy.
@romans82 Well that’s crazy! Don’t most have biotin? Mine does - I do the one a day prenatal with choline. In the last month, I switched to this from ritual.