Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

@christopherpriestley Going from 1 to 2 is dramatically easier than going from 0 to 1!

After 1 you've already done everything so have a general idea of what to expect, baby sleep habits etc. You're just adding another. It works really well if you have 2 active and invoked parents as one manages one, and the other parent the other. Divide and conquer!
@christopherpriestley Going from 1 to 2 is dramatically easier than going from 0 to 1!

After 1 you've already done everything so have a general idea of what to expect, baby sleep habits etc. You're just adding another. It works really well if you have 2 active and invoked parents as one manages one, and the other parent the other. Divide and conquer!
@christopherpriestley 2 under 2 is really rough at first but gets easier, especially once the little one is eating the same food and on the same nap schedule. Mine are 17 months and almost-3 now and they keep each other entertained. I can see how it will really free up some mom and dad time as they get older and play together better. I’m about to have #3, though, so the nonstop chaos is only going to get worse before it gets better.
As hard as this season is, my husband and I both agree we’d rather get through the diaper years quickly than spread out the pain over more years. Once my youngest is 4 and they’re more independent, I think the LAST thing I’d want to do is restart the baby clock again.