Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?

@ronjonb I never was able to pump enough while triple feeding and had to supplement with formula. But I was able to gradually ween off triple feeding by around 3 months (with the exception of a bottle of formula before bed, she wouldn't sleep without it). What helped me was going to a breastfeeding clinic where I saw both a lactation consultant and pediatrician who specializes in breastfeeding medicine. They were able to diagnose a posterior tongue tie (which I guess is less common and harder to diagnose). She had a frenotomy at 7 weeks which really helped.

Have you been to a lactation consultant or had your baby checked for a tongue tie?

I also found it very helpful to have the lactation consultant observe me breastfeeding and give a couple recommendations to improve my technique. One of the things she had me try was breast compressions while feeding, which also seemed to help.

Good luck!