Triple feeding; how does anyone produce enough milk for this?


New member
Going into our 3rd week of triple feeding and man, it’s hard. My baby is H U N G R Y and eating at least 3oz every 2 hours. She’s pretty underweight so anything she’s eating is a positive for us. I’m pumping and producing about 2-4 oz every 2 hours which is normally just enough for her, but not enough when she’s extra hungry and wanting an extra oz or 2. I’ve had to supplement with formula a couple times a day. I’m pumping an average of 35-40 oz a day but it’s sometimes not enough for my little lady! So today we’ve begun supplementing with formula. 2 weeks ago this would have made me flip but now I’m just happy my baby is eating. Anyone else in a similar boat? Baby girl turned 1 month on Monday. :)
@ronjonb You are doing great! I had to drink at a minimum 1 whole gallon of water a day plus a 24oz iced tea, a hot tea or coffee or soda 12oz and then whatever else I felt like drinking. That helped me make 68-70oz a day. If I didn’t get that gallon of water it would drop to 40oz. So maybe try that. I also drank a thing of oat milk every 2-3 days. And make lactation brownies.
@ronjonb I was an over producer but my friend noticed a similar effect. And it’s easy to try. And once you get in the habit it’s great. My skin looks so bad now that I’ve been not drinking as much water.
@ronjonb We are at 8 months. I pump between 10pm-midnight (around 70 ml) and after morning feedings to extract what he has not finished.
This surplus helps with feeding him in evening when supply is low.

I am worried my supply is getting lesser. He eats porridge or fruit 2 times a day and now a days he needs 150 ml of formula before falling asleep.

I don't know how to keep up with his increasing hunger.
@goce To keep up with his increased hungry you are to increase his solids intake. Mine's on 3 solid meals a day, with lots of protein (meats, veg, fruit) plus 4 combo breastmilk and formula bottles. I have low supply and exclusively pump.
@biblicalselfdefense Haha thanks- I had thought triple feeding meant feeding on each breast 3 times in the same feeding session (which I have sometimes tried during cluster feeds…). I was so confused about all the responses in this thread at first 😂
@ronjonb Yes I only pump and he only gets breast milk but he is an eating machine. He eats about 35 oz a day and the ped told me that’s too much but he’s hungry so what am I supposed to do lol. I let him eat whatever he wants
@ronjonb Yes I am able to freeze about 1 or 2 bags. This just started happening about a week ago though. Before then no. I feel like my milk just got regulated so since you are about 2 weeks behind me hopefully it happens soon for you too!
@ronjonb What size were you as a baby? How about your husband?

What has baby's growth been since birth?

Does your baby spit up much?

Were you given an IV during labor or had a c-section? For me, that inflated baby's birth weight and caused a whole panic about weight loss and an unnecessary struggle to get back up to "birth weight". I also triple fed the first month.

I mean, 1% isn't necessarily a bad thing. The goal isn't 50%, that's not how growth charts work. The growth chart is supposed to follow your child on their own growth line, and some babies are in the 1% just like some babies are in the 99th percentile. Doesn't mean 99th percentile babies are better/healthier, they're just larger genetically. Moms with babies both in the lower percentiles and upper percentiles are told the same message: Breastfeeding isn't enough/is too much. How can it be both?

Is baby tongue tied? Are you able to get a good latch for effective breastfeeding or do your nipples look slanted like lip stick after nursing?

Pumping 35-40oz a day is AMAZING, especially if you're doing that on top of nursing. Yikes, I was only able to pump about 6oz a day when my baby was 3 weeks old... and he'd frequently spit up after bottle feedings.

I was finally advised to cut back on the bottles and nurse more. It made my life a lot easier... and it turns out that I did make enough for my baby. I nursed baby as long he wanted. If he was still fussy and seemed hungry afterward, then I'd give him a 1oz bottle. 1oz is enough food for 1 hour, especially if you're also nursing him. Then I'd try to nurse him again an hour later. The first couple days were rough but then it got so much better as my supply leveled out to exactly what he needed, and I ended up only needing to give him a bottle in the evenings when he was super fussy. Eventually I cut out that bottle, too. He was making plenty of sopping wet diapers, and that's the best indicator that they're really getting enough to eat.
@ronjonb Are you waking her up because doc says so? Mine was underweight at first too so I had to this as well. Once I had to stop waking her to feed she started sleeping amazingly. She’s 4 months old (today!) and sleeps 7-10 hours at night but eats literally 3-5 oz every two hours on the dot during the day. Which I’m totally fine with if it means she sleeps the way she has been. I’m wondering and hoping that that’ll be the case with yours!
@huey507 I can’t wait to be off this schedule! She’s in the 1
Percentile for weight so I think once she’s in at least the 5 percentile we can stop. It seems like a long road ahead. I wake her up because pediatrician told us to or else the baby will indeed sleep for a few hours but she needs to eat. I imagine when I stop waking her up at night, I’ll continue to wake up to pump and can store that milk. Her ped is an IBCLC too so I trust her plan.
@ronjonb Excuse my ignorance, an IBC-what? And are you supplementing with formula at all? Sounds like you’re doing a great job and I promise even if it is a long road it’s a very rewarding and fun one. My little girl laughed for the first time just the other day and it was seriously better than anything I’ve ever experienced haha I was like “oh yeaaaa THATS why I’m doing this” lol