Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

@randall1967 Good for you. I think she’s just trying to stall and delay you. Stick to your guns. I wouldn’t be surprised if PT becomes magically possible once you find a new job and hand in your notice.
@randall1967 My company wouldn’t allow me to switch over. Plus I asked off the Friday beforehand for my wedding that Saturday and that was denied. That was my termination. lol
@randall1967 I wouldn’t be able to let anyone on my team go part-time. Not because I’m mean or don’t empathize with having young kids, but because my team wouldn’t meet their goals if they worked half as much. I’m sure there are part-time jobs available somewhere, but it makes sense that not every role has it as an option.
@randall1967 Your manager messed up and should’ve gotten this cleared before she told you that you could do that.

It’s very common for companies to deny PT if they want FT employees and have the budget for that.
@randall1967 I ran into this talking to someone at a different company about my job.

I am part time and there are a few PT employees where I work. Mostly moms in this phase where something has to give. Anyway, this person at a different company was warning me that their management would rather lose someone than have them PT because it would damage the morale of the rest of the team. My take is if your morale is that fragile, it’s probably not where I want to work anyway.

There are places with supportive cultures, OP. I hope you can find a company that is supportive of you as a worker and a person. The more we normalize healthy work life balances the better it will be for everyone.
@chadt I agree and I will find it. Thanks!

Do you think it also depends on the department management and not necessarily the company culture as a whole?
@randall1967 Of course. Overall culture usually plays into the selection of management so they often align. However, I have had excellent managers at a place with overall toxic culture and see poor managers in my current role.

Where the company culture plays in is who is above the department head? Do they support PT across the company? Is it right for one department to have a different policy from the rest of the company? Is there no one your manager can apply to above the dept head? At this point it sounds like you may just have to move on because the dept head is set against it and applying above them may cause more of a political headache than you or your manager want.

Good luck finding your balance!
@randall1967 Not exactly the same. I worked for an agency in 2022 that I knew had part time positions. We had some changes in childcare and I asked about part time. They approved it but I had to sign a letter that agreed to a return to full time date as they really didn’t want anyone else to be part time.

I ended up quitting (for entirely different reasons) about a month before my return to full time date so I’m not really sure what would have happened if I wasn’t able to at that point.

Best of luck!
@randall1967 I had somwthing similar happen to me. Are you at a public institution or are you part of a union?
It was at a large public/state run hospital. My direct manager said I could go part time, then when it came time to switch from full time to part time the director said no. They also said it was because then they would need to offer part time to everyone. They had the same reasoning when anyone requested alternative schedules (ie. 4 × 10 hrs). So I found a part time job somewhere else and guess what... all of a sudden they were willing to accommodate my part time request! I said "too late". My work- life balance is much better now.
I'm not sure if this is a rule with larger organizations/public institutions/unions, but I do know there were many specific rules around hiring, schedules, promotions etc.
@child777 I did the same thing! They asked me to go down to PT due to lack of funding so I was helping them. Then tried to make me go back to full time. I found another job. They were upset saying they would have given the PT if that was what I really wanted. Uh I told you that was exactly what I wanted and you said no.
@randall1967 If the role is not scoped for PT, than yes. My previous employer offered a few PT corporate position in pretty much all job families but transitioning in the same role won’t be possible except a ramp back after maternity leave.
@randall1967 At my last job I told them I can either go part time or they can have my two weeks. They chose part time.

I would start looking for another job that works for you and your family. If something happened to you they would have your job listed the next day, can’t say the same for your family.