Toddler throwing a tantrum because I cut his pb&j. Do I make a new one or stick to my guns?


New member
I have no idea how to apporach this. I don't want to be too permissive, but I also don't want him to think that he'll get everything he wants... ugh.
@rae29 I've got to be honest here. Sometimes I'm just like well sucks for you bruh. Must not be very hungry then. Then I just let the little stinker work through the stages of grief for his ruined sandwich. Lmao
@andypandy81 A tip that worked well for me is to show a little emotion yourself, to commiserate. As if your friend was complaining about their crappy boss. Just a bit though, you should be calm inside, only performing the emotion as a show of sympathy.

😠: Aw that sucks! You must be really mad!

Rather than

😐: I see you're upset, because of the sandwich.

The too-calm reaction can set my kid off worse! Depends on the kid of course. And it is important to stay low energy yourself.
@little1 I've seen this too. Pop the kid out to the porch for five, ten minutes. Bring him back. In that time, he forgot he was mad at the yogurt for being served wrong and he's happy to eat it.
@helivesinyou Same. My kid sometimes throws fits because he’s hungry, and then throws his food. He DOES NOT like to be told when to eat.

I’m learning this type of discipline best from my mom, tbh. She watches him while I wfh, and at first I thought it was mean because he didn’t know better, but that’s how they learn!

He does get his food back, but after he’s calmed down lol. We put it in the center of the table, let him throw a fit, and go on with our meals. Still happens sometimes, but he’s gotten a lot better.