Toddler plates & bowls - Plastic? "Bamboo" (aka melamine)? Actual bamboo/wood? Something else? What does your family use?

@joyung is new corelle sturdier than older corelle? i see a lot of people recommending it (and even thrifting it) on this thread but i had corelle plates before baby and while they were heard to break, when they did shatter it'd be worse than anything else—just the tiniest lil bits of plate shrapnel everywhere.
@jcm2000 they do break into a zillion pieces but like i’ve said i’ve only had 1 break in 4 years over multiple sets so it isn’t an issue/worry for me. if you do thrift corelle make sure you google the pattern as some older patterns (pre-80s) have lead paint!
@joyung Yeah the lead thing is why all mine are in the attic now, packed them all up when I was pregnant! We broke several pieces (I had a large full set of blue snowflake) but we’re clumsy people over here.
@jcm2000 the new ones might be sturdier then! i have a disability that limits my hand strength and i switched to corelle initially because i was constantly chipping or fully breaking dishes by dropping/banging them into things.
@tobiahjude99 How did he outgrow the suction plates? We use suction silicone ones for our toddler, plus our normal ceramic plates sometimes. I don’t want to buy another kid specific plate so we’re planning to just phase out the silicone when we can trust her not to throw.
@sferber I have seen some tiktoks where parents say that the suction plates become useless at one point because the toddler figures out out to unsuction them
@sferber Literally this. I have a set of three silicone suction bowls from Cloud Island (Target brand) and I sometimes use the third one when I eat cereal with my twins 🤣.
@sferber I guess outgrew is a strong word!

We got real serious suction plates. He was one of those "if it moves, it's on the floor" babies. It took me four suction plates to find one that locked in place hard enough. Now he is 2 and is making decisions and learning, and it's really important to me that he learns to leave a plate in front of him without throwing it on the floor. I started using old plastic plates for him & I feel strongly he's learning better habits, because it can move, but he has to leave it there - that's how we eat.

It's also really important to me that he can pick things up and bring it to the sink when he's done. He loves the responsibility. This helps him use plates "right".

So I want tableware for him that is... big kid, but not " will break his foot if he drops it on his foot" heavy.
@tobiahjude99 This is also why we stopped using suction plates. I felt his manners really improved when he had a little more independence and could set his plate aside or in the sink by himself when he was done.
@tobiahjude99 Another vote for plain Corelle. We use our regular Corelle plates and bowl, and my mother even found some segmented Corelle plates. We have stainless steel toddler sized forks and spoons as her school requires them anyway.
@tobiahjude99 When my kid outgrows the suction plates, I'm going to use my regular dishes. I have Corelle plates so they are light and don't break too easily. I have a large set so she can just use the salad plates, which are a bit smaller then the adult dinner plates.
@tobiahjude99 i have stainless steel plates and cups from Ahimsa and love them. super sturdy and dishwasher safe.
the only downsides are they can’t go in the microwave and metal is very heat conducive so they wouldn’t be great for something like hot soup.

i had those “bamboo” bowls and my daughter cracked every one just from dropping them onto the wood floor. so even if they were totally safe i probably wouldn’t buy them again anyway!