To the moms who’ve had a tubal

@gabriel1986 I had my biscalp two years ago this month and I couldn't be happier. There is always some risk and recovery with general anesthesia, but that was the worst of it. I will tell you to stick to the no lifting rule for the first weeks. I was fine riding horses the next day but lifting my kid brought me to my knees. I didn't realize how much mental space worrying about being pregnant took up. Before the procedure I was kinda pissed at my husband for not getting a vasectomy but now I'm so glad that I did it. World being how it is, I now know that, whatever happens to me I won't have to also deal with an unwanted pregnacy. I also didn't realize how much hormonal BC was making me hungry and suppressing my sex drive. I'm much happier all around now.
@gabriel1986 I'm currently recovering from a BiSalp. The surgeon removed both of my fallopian tubes.

I had three incisions made. One just above my bellybutton and one on either side of my bellybutton.

They fill your abdomen with a gas to better get a look at what's all in there. My appointment was at 12:15 but I didn't actually go back to the operating room until a little after 2. I don't think it took very long because I got home around 5pm? But I was lucky I didn't have to go very far for the procedure.

As for recovery, my doctor and my job are having me take 2 weeks off work. Initially, the pain was just in the incision areas and it felt like a pinching pain. They prescribed me 600mg Ibuprofen, 325mg Acetaminophen, and something for gas because that gas they fill you with can be a bit painful.

I personally do well with pain so I haven't taken too much of what they prescribed me. Gas-X also works just fine. First couple days I slept a lot. I've been healing great and been very lucky to have a husband who is happy to care for me.

Anyway, all that to say, it's definitely worth it! Vasectomies can fail, birth control makes me ill so this was a logical choice for us.

Good luck!
@gabriel1986 I had one ovary with a tumor and my tubes removed. The recovery was way harder than my surgeon told me to expect. I was actively in pain for 6 months and had random stabby pains for longer than that. My naval has a keloid scar. Vasectomy is so much easier but my doctor was going in there anyway and she specifically said that this is a me problem as pregnancy could threaten my life (she was at least 80 years old and Colombian so very old school in her attitudes).
@gabriel1986 I had a bilateral salpingectomy in 2020. They gave me Norco and ibuprofen, and I already had Gas-X stocked at home. I was a little sore for the first two days, but after that I was completely back to normal. No changes to my periods or anything. I was still on maternity leave, but would’ve easily been up to full duty work by 10 days out, and I’m an RN. 10/10 would do it again!
@gabriel1986 I got a bilateral salpingectomy at 25 after one kid and for me the recovery was incredibly simple and it was one billion percent worth it. Surgery was a few hours and I was off work for a day and a half
@gabriel1986 I had a bilateral salpingectomy (both fallopian tubes fully removed). My insurance covered it (Medi-Cal through my husband’s job), and it was all asked for/ not medically needed.

Getting prepped for surgery took less than 1 hour, surgery itself was 10-30 minutes tops. Recovery in the post op room was 30 minutes and then I was off to my mom’s car to go home.

They made two incisions (one inside my bellybutton & one on my left side of my belly, both healed and there is no visible scar. I got very lucky and my pain was so low I never even took a Tylenol. My recovery took about 2 weeks & I was back at work as a CNA.

I think the reason why I wasn’t nauseous: was because I was told to drink a Gatorade/something with electrolytes one hour before surgery (usually you’ll be on NPO: nothing by mouth until your surgery is finished but my Doctor advised me that it’ll stop me from being nauseous after & it worked.) I also didn’t feel any trapped gas (they pump your gut full of gas to be able to see your tubes) mostly because I was up and walking right after surgery: the gas can only really move out of your actively moving (obviously not enough to harm yourself).

I don’t regret my surgery & my husband (who had a vasectomy as well) doesn’t either, we are beyond ecstatic to have our one child. Good luck!

Plus fun fact: My Doctor told me getting your tubes fully removed reduced the chance of ovarian cancer.
@gabriel1986 I’m 6mo post partum and had a bilateral salpingectomy and endometrial ablation last Wednesday. It was laparoscopic so I have three small incisions. I’ve had two other laparoscopic surgeries and this was definitely the least painful. I do still ache in my abdomen and the belly button incision is always the worst but it’s manageable. The nurse said not to pick up anything heavier than a gallon of milk, I laughed because my almost 6mo is almost 16lbs my Dr said not to worry just be careful.
My husband went in the for vasectomy consult and could have left scheduled but didn’t (did leave with the Valium and pain meds tho). I had my consult with my OB and he had me scheduled before I left the office. I checked in at 11:00, went back about 1:00, was awake and ready to go by 2:45. The pain was highest days 2 and 3, still a little uncomfortable now a little over a week later but my Csection was WAY worse healing pain.
I was told they don’t “tie” tubes anymore just go for the removal which I was fine with. I knew pretty quickly after our daughter that I didn’t want another high risk pregnancy, C-section or risk of another colic/reflux baby.
@gabriel1986 I got a bilateral salpingectomy in December (full removal of your fallopian tubes) and it was the BEST decision I've ever made. My son is almost 13 months, and I knew before I had him that I didn't want anymore.
The recovery was surprisingly easy! I was on the couch watching TV for like the first few days. Uncomfortable but not in pain. After a week I essentially felt back to normal. There are 3 incisions, one for the camera and the other two for inserting the instruments used. Superrrrr tiny little incisions!! I only remember getting the oxygen mask put on my face and then I was out almost immediately. Woke up in recovery 🙏
I'm in Canada also so it was free. My doctor and OB didn't question me at all when I asked for it. I was and am 30 when I got it done. I would do it 100x over again :) no more birth control and never having to worry about getting pregnant!!
@gabriel1986 I’m not a mom, but I had a bisalp (tube removal) in August. I honestly thought it would be a bigger deal. I took it easy a couple days and was back to contact sports 3 weeks later.