Tired of the Same ole Children's Music? Have a Toddler?


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Hi guys,

My name is Jeff and am a Dad to a crazy, curious lil toddler named Hendrix.

He has been inspiring me to write some original, funky fresh music for toddlers (and their parents).

If you are a fan of fun, beat-driven, energetic music that blends Jimi Hendrix, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, and Stevie Wonder together - you might like my latest EP:

Let me know if you have a favorite song. Thanks for listening!

- Jeff
@mikedbeloved They liked them all, but specifically 'phantom poop'. Might just be because she likes talking about poop for some weird reason haha! She also liked 'Best Bay'. I think she liked the repeatable phrasing... it was easy for her to comprehend.
@mrgramps Thanks so much!!!

Yes I am working on another collection of songs right now about this past year's experience transitioning into 2 years old.

I LOVE the song and video!!!! I am going to message you to learn more about who animated it to. I am looking to connect with some animators for some of my stuff!