Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”


New member
Today I came across yet another person saying something I use for my baby is bad because it has some ingredients they can’t pronounce (today it was sunscreen). Am I the only one who thinks that’s a trash argument? Like, I don’t speak Russian, so I can’t pronounce Russian words. Does that make Russian words harmful? No, it obviously doesn’t.

I would be more than willing to rethink my choice of baby sunscreen if they came at me with research papers on the effects of the ingredients in my sunscreen on humans, but just saying “it’s bad because I can’t pronounce some of the words in the ingredient list” just doesn’t cut it for me. Sorry not sorry.

Thank you for reading my rant.
@genxjeff As a medical professional who took microbiology, chem 1, chem 2, biochemistry, anatomy, and exercise physiology, I can pronounce a lot of chemical names just fine.

Overall I feel like it's an anti education/anti science mindset. Lavender essential oil has a chemical name too, just like chamomile or Shea butter or whatever natural thing you want to point at, because they're all made of chemicals. These people are just smug about their lack of knowledge.
@sijujoy Thank you for the work that you do. That's a tough job. I took care of my dad while he went through it twice. The first time the immunotherapy worked, but was so rough on his body he questioned if it was worth it. The second time, it didn't work. Like most men of that generation he never wore sunscreen a day in his life. So I guess I come by this humor the hard way too.

Don't really have much patience for people who fearmonger about sunscreen though. It's the easiest lifestyle change a person can make that's been proven to prevent cancer! Don't overthink it, folks!
@kamga Thank you. Sorry to hear about your dad. You’re a wonderful child to have walked beside him through that journey. ❤️

I’ll agree with you wholeheartedly on the sunscreen fearmongering. The more someone tries to stir up ingredient/chemical fears the more I am sure they have something to gain by driving people toward an alternate product.
@kamga I’m a nurse (not in oncology) and I still can’t pronounce most of those names. It’s literally like someone smashed their head against a keyboard and called it good.
@genxjeff I once saw someone post a whole list of unpronounceable ingredients and was talking about how scary those ingredients and chemicals were

Only to reveal that those were what made up a simple strawberry (she was absolutely making a point). It was such a brilliant example of how ignorance can go hand in hand with stupidity.
@kew Someone did it once with a banana, too. I think it helps put things in perspective. Of course, we all should be cognizant of what we put in and on our bodies, but a bit of research goes a long way.