@benromana Hi, I'm a nursing student who has been displaced from clinical due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I have found the following information to answer your question related to sleep sacks.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released updated guidelines for infant safe sleep and suggests that a safe sleep environment can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (AAP, 2020). The AAP recommends safe sleep practices that can be implemented by all parents and caregivers to reduce the risk of sleep-related infant deaths. To address your concern regarding sleep sacks, I can recommend sleep sacks. The sleep sacks were approved by the AAP and were deemed safe to use (AAP, 2020). A sleep sack is a mini sleeping bag for your infant, it is a wearable blanket that keeps infant warm without confining.
Although sleep sacks are very safe for infants, it is also important for parents to help create a safe sleep area for infants. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that there are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among US infants each year (CDC, 2020). Parents can provide a safe sleep area by having infant placed on their backs for sleeping, by providing a firm, flat sleep surfaces, such as a mattress and by having infant sleep in same room as parents until they are 6 months old (CDC, 2020).
In conclusion, sleep sacks are safe and effective at keeping your infant safe. The AAP and CDC support sleep sacks and highly recommend the use of sleep sacks.
Please note: I am not a medical doctor. Please follow the advice of your Primary Care Physician. I can answer questions but my information does not replace what your primary care Provider has stated
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Helping Babies Sleep Safely. Retrieved from
American Academy of Pediatrics (2020). AAP Guidelines on Safe Sleep and How You Can Start Practicing. Retrieved from