Tiny sleep sacks and lose the swaddle NOW!

@benromana I moved my smaller baby to Woolino 4 season sack at 2m old. It has snaps in the arm holes to fit smaller and is useable until 18m old. It looks long, but I folded it over her and it didn't come close to her face at 2m old. If i recall she was about 23-24" long at that age (shes 8m now).
@benromana The halo sleep sack swaddle for newborns is great for transitioning because you can use either arms in or out. We’re transitioning right now with it and just completed one week with one arm out, next week will be two, then we’ll upgrade to the next size up sleep sack without swaddle because LO is getting too long for this swaddle
@priority Is your baby rolling yet? I’m under the impression you can swaddle with one arm out when they start to roll. My little guy is 3.5 months and just rolled for the first time on his play mat half an hour ago. I’ve swaddled him in the halo sleep swaddle sack with one arm out for his nap (writing this as I rock him to sleep haha).
@ozziesmom Baby has rolled once but never again since, so that’s why I’m transitioning now for when he starts to roll more regularly. He doesn’t really seem to show any interest though and I don’t know how to encourage him? The only reason he rolled last time was because he was doing tummy time and got frustrated and didn’t wanna be on his tummy anymore.
@priority We are in this situation, except my LO rolled on her tummy in bed at night at 5 weeks. The pediatrician said it was basically because she is small so it takes less force to get her over. She regularly sleeps in her side. However she's gained a pound and a half since and i don't think she has the capability to roll anymore. Its tough not to swaddle because they still have the moro reflex. Its hit or miss if we can get her down for naps with both arms or at night with one. Friends have suggested the zipedee transition swaddle so we will try that this weekend.
@petesnyxyz I feel really lucky with the transition because my son is the reincarnation of Houdini and up until a few weeks ago would wiggle his arms out of EVERY swaddle and sleep arms out most of the night anyway. Someone suggested the batwing swaddle and that was finally enough to keep his arms in baby burrito prison but that only lasted a few weeks before he rolled. But now transitioning him has been pretty easy because he was so used to sleeping arms out, he uses them to comfort himself and rub his eyes and suck his fist and sometimes even lays his head on them like a pillow
@ozziesmom Both arms out if baby is rolling. They need to be able to move themselves if they get into a position they can’t breathe. It’ll be up to a week to adjust, but it will be okay.
@trinity15 Not safe for rolling babies unfortunately. Also really hot so not good to use during the summer. Overheating and getting stuck in a prone position are both SIDS risks.
@crushedman Sorry for any misunderstandings. We just need to be careful with anecdotes. Because by definition an anecdote is a single data point and doesn’t have the same weight as all of the data we have on the factors surrounding SIDS deaths. For example, my grandma will tell you about how she raised four kids without car seats and had no issues. But that anecdote doesn’t change the statistics on the risks of not using a car seat. It only serves to demonstrate that her children were fine.