Three P’s: Pregnancy, PCOS, & Provera


New member
Hi there! I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask these questions so I apologize in advance if it is- Me and my husband are trying to have a baby. It’s our very first time trying and I just have some questions.

About a year ago, I went to an OBGYN as I’ve had very irregular periods after getting off BC back in 2019 (and still continue to). She ran tests and x-rays and told me I have PCOS. While I don’t have any symptoms other than Amenorrhea and cysts on my ovaries (no pain - didn’t even know they were there). To prompt/induce a period, she prescribed me 5 tabs of Provera. She also told me I lack the Progestogen hormone! I only needed one tablet and I had a period within 3 days. I didn’t use the remaining 4 as I honestly was kinda cool with not getting a period. Over the course of the year, I maybe had 6 natural periods. Well, last month, was one of those months and me and my husband have been discussing getting pregnant and are finally ready to start trying. I got my period, naturally, last month and can (maybe) assume I’m within my fertility window, but it’s hard to tell. We’ve been getting busy everyday within my fertile window. I have been using the Ovia app to track everything and the app adjusted my fertile window, and we even got busy those extra days. I took an ovulation test this morning and the results came back “high” but I understand that PCOS can contribute higher levels of hL. So, now that you have all of that background, here is my question- would taking the remaining Provera tabs help with implantation?

I know that it’s generally prescribed to induce a period by giving you that Progestogen hormone BUT I’m wondering if it would also help me, given the PCOS, during implantation stage as I know that Progestogen is imperative and I lack it. Maybe a stupid question but it makes sense in my head!

Thank you for your help!!
@doema You should not take the progesterone pills. Ovulation causes your body to make progesterone. If your progesterone was tested outside of 5-8 days after ovulation, then progesterone levels would be low. And that’s true with anyone. If you want to know progesterone levels after ovulation then you should confirm ovulation with temping and get progesterone levels checked 6-7 days after you ovulate.

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