Thinking about going full formula

@chaz1268 You made it longer than me. šŸ˜†Tried everything but just couldnā€™t get my supply more than 4 ounces total for a whole day! It didnā€™t matter how many times I pumped. So I started weaning a couple weeks ago. Only pumped once today and it felt so freeing! Youā€™re absolutely right! The time we spend with our LOs is most important! Thanks for posting. Helps to know Iā€™m not alone
@chaz1268 Me! I stopped when we started sleep training at four and a half months. It was emotionally and physically too much at once and my supply also lowered a bit! Do whatā€™s best for your mental health as your baby is better off with you being in a good place.
@chaz1268 I lasted 2 weeks before it taking a big toll on me mentally. I tried combo feeding but felt like I had no time to myself. I felt so incredibly guilty quitting but sometimes you need to put yourself first. Your baby being fed regardless how is the best. Just remember that youā€™re doing great!
@chaz1268 I think I lasted 3 days breastfeeding before switching 100% to pumping and formula combo feeding because breastfeeding made me want to toss my child away from me (literally was the opposite of warm fuzzy bonding feelings). Took me 3 months maybe to stop attempting to pump and go 100% formula fed. And I wish I would have stopped and switched to formula sooner, because I had a terrible supply the whole time anyway and the effort for pumping was not worth it. Like. I'm able to say I tried it. I'm also able to say I tried it for 3 months and still despised it. Lol. It was also nice to not have leaking nipples or worry about a pumping schedule.

No one gets an award for making themselves miserable the longest. You've tried! Put yourself and your mental health first and absolutely don't feel bad about switching if it will make you feel better.
@chaz1268 I feel you. Your baby needs a healthy mom. There are lots of ways to protect your baby through cold and flu season. Iā€™m making visitors wash hands and wear masks.
@chaz1268 I exclusively FF because of some medication Iā€™m on and my LO didnā€™t get the ā€œwinter virusā€ (dry cough and cold) even though everyone else in the house did. I really donā€™t think there is any substantiated correlation between nutrition/immunity and feed type. So please donā€™t worry, and remember a happy mom is the best kind!
@chaz1268 I switched fully to formula at 6 months, I have more energy, Iā€™m happier, my son is still so attached to me, wonā€™t even let my husband put him to sleep, heā€™s thriving, weā€™re living our best life. I felt sad about it for about a week or two and then got over it.
Bonus: he only wakes up once a night now instead of 5-7 timesā€¦ I know this could change any time but Iā€™m happy for the moment with it.
@chaz1268 Fed is best! The best thing you can do for your baby is to take care of yourself so you can take care of them. I had a similar situation. LO wouldn't latch or suck right, had to supplement with formula in the hospital via syringe while having her practice sucking on my finger. She would not latch no matter what we tried with the lactation consultant. I felt like a failure multiple times. First for giving up on breastfeeding and again when deciding to wean off the pump. I decided to pump because I wanted her to have some breast milk for the benefits. Pumping every 3 hrs, then feeding, then washing pump parts made me feel like I never had time to bond with my baby. Plus, I was only getting 0.25-0.5oz each session with both boobs. Then I got mastitis and said, the hell with this. I'm currently weaning off and just seeing a light at the end of the tunnel has greatly improved my mental health. One thing I did notice, I'm able to get 1oz per session if I do one breast at a time. When I double pump, I get the very low volume above. I'll keep giving that to LO until I'm done my weaning schedule. Maybe helpful for you as you make up your mind about what to do. You're doing great no matter what you decide mama, you've got this.
Update!! So much as happened in the last 9 days šŸ˜‚ we got hand foot and mouth (this is a whole different story, but it is absolutely awful for adults) and my supply tanked even more (lol). HOWEVER, my daughter seems even more attached to me nowā€¦maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m spending more time just cuddling her and having fun instead of trying to pump and stressing out. Even my husband commented on it yesterday. I still get the occasional mom guilt, but feeling extra connected with her and was not expecting that šŸ„¹

Thank you all for the encouragement and kind words. Good luck to all of you awesome parents!! ā¤ļø