Thinking about being OAD because first born is so easy??

@brhjz Yea honestly. The vision for us was two kids but this one is so good, why would we mess this up? Although, he's really really great and it's STILL HARD. I see people dealing with kids with strong personalities or are overly clingy or even violent or cruel and if THIS is hard I can't even imagine the suffering these poor other parents are enduring.
@brhjz My friend had her second recently and he has reflux. Her first was easy.

Yeah, so glad I got an easy one the first time. Wasn't taking any chances.
@brhjz Ours is a little over 2 now and we felt the same way. We both were the first born with younger siblings. We were both easy babies and our siblings were both much harder to deal with. We were already thinking one and done but this sealed the deal for us.
@brhjz This is one of our main reasons! Everything has been great. LO is a happy toddler and was an easy baby. No way lightning strikes twice!
@brhjz “We did it right the first time” is our response to why we only have one. It’s true. Our kid is awesome. And healthy. And happy.

Sounds like you hit the jackpot too.
@brhjz Combination of a really difficult/complicated pregnancy and my daughter being an absolute star since she was born reinforced my OAD feeling. Fortunately husband is on the same page!
@brhjz Super easy baby that slept 11hrs at night starting 5 months. Also had a laughably easy pregnancy with zero symptoms. My kid is now a sweet 2yo that comes down pretty quickly from meltdowns.
@brhjz Same here, ours is 7 months and just an absolute dream. I’ve gotten so used to the full nights rest (she’s been STTN since like 7-8 weeks, puts herself to sleep no problem if she wakes up) and her calm and happy demeanor that I think there’s no way the second would be like this too.
@brhjz Agreed. My son is 7 now but was an easy baby, and even now he’s constantly complimenting everyone he meets, will come in and tell me “you’re the perfect mom for me”, wants to cuddle, at his very worst is a little whiney when overly tired, I know I won’t get this lucky again lmao. I was my parents second born difficult child, I’ve seen the same with many of my friends (lovely kids, just not as easy and parents are stretched more thin) so I’m good with the one lol.
@brhjz My daughter was an easy baby and now she is a very vocal nearly 5 year old with endless energy and she has two speeds full throttle and stop. I love my daughter to pieces but my husband and I are in our 40's and my daughter is exhausting oh and the older they get the more expensive they get. They are also a lot of fun and I am happy I can focus all my limited energy on my daughter.
@brhjz That's completely up to you. Ask yourself if you can handle another child. My first and only child is the spawn of Satan so I pretty much decided not to have anymore kids because I'm already struggling with him. He never slept well, and still to this day he is super cranky all the time. He cried a lot as a baby and now as a toddler he has temper tantrums all day long. He's super difficult, and if I had another child in addition to him, I would probably go insane and get committed to a mental institution.
@brhjz Lucky you, my situation is the opposite! He had good moments but still at the age of almost five he's so difficult to handle sometimes. So I am keeping it on one as I feel wasted and tired of this experience. We love him but god, is he difficult many times?! Sometimes I can't believe how difficult he is and was since his second or third month of life!
@brhjz Omg yes!!!! My daughter was such an easy baby. Slept really well from the time she was two weeks old. Was typically happy and easy going. I honestly feel like if we had another it would be the complete opposite and I don’t think I could handle it.
@brhjz I felt exactly the same, and still do. I can't deny that a big part of being OAD was that so many people said, "Well be grateful that this one is sleeping, MY FIRST ONE WAS LIKE THAT BUT MY SECOND NEVER SLEPT MORE THAN 2 HOURS TILL THEY WERE 18!" Exaggeration on the age, but it was the sense of doom that was instilled in me that you only get one good baby. After that, it all goes to hell. Scared the shit out of me.