"The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

@anamichele07 It isn't my responsibility to initiate everything all the time, I'm way over that. I'm here if he wants to initiate anything.

Meanwhile I'm just here doing a little thing called, you know, my duties and responsibilities. That takes up most of my time and energy. Not looking to tack anything else on right now. Least of all something requiring a huge energy, time, and financial investment -- as those are resources I can't afford to squander.

(Though I'm sure internet strangers who've gotten a tiny snap-shot of my life are bound to have a strong opinion which (they'll surely feel) is well informed)
  1. That’s all a big cop out if you’re this unhappy as you state 2. All we have to go on is what you post, so that’s on you if Prince Charming here came out less than stellar
@anamichele07 "if you’re this unhappy as you state "


The only emotional states I've ascribed to myself in the present tense in my post are "euphoric" and relief", and I also put a big string of hysterical laughter, about being happy not not have a second child.

"All we have to go on is what you post"

What do you mean "to go on"? It was a post about how I was glad not to have a second child and how it is more economical to buy a big wagon for one child than make a second child to fill it in with, not a post asking people to decide if I should initiate a divorce.

Nobody asked you "to go on" the information for that purpose at all.

It was a post for commiseration over the benefits of one-and-done, in reaction to irrational statements people make regarding one and done, and it was posted in the appropriate forum for such.
@snpdoll11 I’m sorry OP, sending love. The great news is, you’re a good parent or be wouldn’t want to make more babies with you, and you wouldn’t be able to do it all. Hope he sees the light for you.
@snpdoll11 My daughter potty trained really quickly and we still have half a pack of nappies around, I often think about having a second child because I'd just hate for them to go to waste..
@loveis Lmao X,D That reminds me of when my dad stuffs himself full of more food than he actually wants and gives himself a stomach ache because he "doesn't want to let it go to waste".
@snpdoll11 Omg my dad always says that! and now I'm like that too even though I know it's ridiculous 😬 I can't leave any food on my plate without hearing his voice, definitely not passing on that habit to the kids lmao
@snpdoll11 I got a giant wagon for my only. He loves it. I love it, I have room to not have to Cary stuff, but he still has all kinds of room, plus a snack tray and cup holder. I also have many cup holders.
@snpdoll11 There will be two kids in the wagon at some point, my only has shared a wagon on many a playdate. 🥰 I hope this point will ease your husbands economic concerns.
@snpdoll11 We have a wagon and LOVE it! It's great to take to events and have the extra room! We legit bring it sometimes even when the kid walks the whole time.
@snpdoll11 Strollers are for carrying your stuff while your toddler explores the world. And for sleeping, which can be done on, under, and around the stuff. Division of labor for any number of children is a complicated issue. Set your expectations and boundaries and then stick to them. That’s just general advice for a lot of things, like training a dog, going on a first date, or playing floor hockey.
@snpdoll11 I bought a radio flyer plastic wagon second hand and I use it for more than just the kid.

OP, I like your sense of humor. You are my kind of people. I feel like my husband is a cruise director giving me parenting instructions while he sits on ass. He has his moments where he is fantastic with her but unfortunately we are not a team.
@lewis1986 XD Thanks!!!

The radio flyer looks perfect for us.

The cruise director sitting on his ass analogy is too perfect. Reminds me of what I said to my husband yesterday, when instead of agreeing to contribute to the cost of the wagon, he decided to try to convince me that the wagon was unnecessary. Tried to convince me that we could just use the regular stroller.

...And he doesn't even remotely know what he's talking about because he's not the one who takes my son on mall-outings.

I told him he was being like the sort of top-down management style administrators in education who have little to no first hand experience in the classroom and mandate things that are completely impractical or impossible in practice.
@snpdoll11 Mine just frowns on spending money period but I buy mostly secondhand items. He didn't think we needed a wagon but he also isn't the one carrying her from point A to point Z. He hasn't said anything since though.
If you do a lot of outings, wagons are practical. So are strollers. It's nice to have options based on where you are going.
@snpdoll11 Just ordered a wagon stroller for my only because he's been asking and also close to his stroller weight limit. Looking forward to pulling him and all of our stuff next time we visit the theme park!