Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@dan54fis Oh I did this also. We all got norovirus and it turns out babies are sick but much longer than adults. His poor butt was so red and sore. It even started opening up with bleeding sores. I was like nope this is it. I even pulled out the boppy and had him lay on his belly with his booty in the air to let antibiotic cream soak in while he watched TV. Zero fucks given. When he's sick or hurt any screen time rules I have go out the window. I mean if he has a few sniffles obviously we carry on as usual but this kind of stuff? Nope. Have all the screen time you need. I hope he feels better soon! If the skin hasn't opened up I found using hydrocortisone cream twice a day on the booty skin to help take the sting out of it. It won't help healing but anything that helps the pain is still a sin. Hey... anyone know if you can use dermaplast on baby butts? I just had that thought. Hmmmmm
@dan54fis My dad worked nightshift and would put a movie on every single afternoon while he had a nap and my mom worked! I don't think they worried at all!

Anyways, we're on day 3 of a stomach flu ripping through our house and movies are on repeat. The other night I watched Toy Story, 2 and 3 until 3 AM in between chasing my toddler with a bucket. Gotta do what you gotta do.
@dan54fis I could be wrong, but I read/heard somewhere that Ms. Rachel does not count as screentime because she's "interacting" with the kids. I liken it to when teachers had to online teach during the bad times
@dan54fis I would do this exact same thing. All rules go out the window when there is a diaper rash like that. Ms. Rachel is great; my daughter is a year older than yours and I can’t believe the things she’s learned from Ms. Rachel. It’s impossible to not have a complicated relationship with screen time of course, but let it work for you here.
@dan54fis My baby (11 months old) usually watches 2 movies a day, and then has play time, but were trying to lower it to 1 a day. And we usually put on a Disney princess movie, because its what she likes, your not a bad parent. From your second edit it sounds like what you watched was educational which is good, and probably better than Disney. Lol. Your doing great!
@dan54fis I feel you! We’re normally a no screen family but when our then 21 month old (and us) got covid then the flu then a cold back to back, we just let go and did what worked best for our family. I figure that if it weren’t for the screen time, he would have been miserable and not playing, so what good would that have done him? That’s the only instance we use it though, so once we were done with the cold we told him the tv was broken lol and we haven’t fixed it in the last three months 😆 He learned to stop asking for it really fast.
@martin84 Omg that sounds brutal!! Good for you for caving, I feel like it would have been harder to give in as a no screen time family vs a sometimes screen time family. Gotta do what ya gotta do
@dan54fis Yeah it was rough lol and it was right at the start of trying for baby 2 so we were like are we SURE we want another one?!

But yeah, screens are « bad » when they take away from playing and interacting - if what’s happening is your baby is crying and not calming down, then tv is the best option for him at the moment and you’re helping him through this rough time together. It’s tough when they’re feeling crappy and you can’t do much to help 😕