Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@dan54fis We use screen time a good bit, generally with one of us watching with him. Our 3 year old can correctly identify several dinosaurs (and what they do and eat), sometimes explain plot, and I believe a lot of his vocabulary stems from shows (and us talking about the shows with him).

Unfortunately, he’s now entered zombie land where he doesn’t respond when a screen is on or gets cranky when it’s taken away. So we’re pivoting and limiting screen time more.

I think as long as you’re not neglecting your child, or leaving them in front of a screen all day with no other interaction, you’re fine!
@dan54fis Ms. Rachel seriously saves my life DAILY. I had to stop watching tiktok and fb reels for that very reason. Those videos were making me feel like a horrible wife, mom, and human.
He may need different diapers. My son could only use a certain brand. Hang in there mama
@dan54fis Screen time is such a boogeyman to some parents. But screen time taught my kid a lot of words, shapes, colors, the alphabet before he ever started preschool. It’s not the stuff I grew up watching so I don’t feel bad putting on an hour here or there for my 2.5 yr old. We were on vacation when my son was 2 and a mom couldn’t believe my son knew certain concepts because she had kept her son away from all screens and at 2 he moved really well but she was worried about his development.
@dan54fis My mom told me this a few weeks ago- “When you feel bad for having to put little one in front of the tv for longer than you’d like, just remind yourself you’re helping develop their attention span.”
@dan54fis I used to freak out about screen time due to what the internet says but in my country they don’t actually say not to use it for babies and in fact say there’s some evidence it can be educational. And my daughter actually learned loooads from those type of educational channels like ms Rachel. 18 months old now and has hundreds of words and she’s been watching that type of content for months now. (A bit a day, not like constantly in front of the tv for months!) It’s only bad if it totally replaces any communication between you and your baby or if they’re watching really awful nonsense stuff. We also started with screen time during a period of constant horrendous illness and felt worried/guilty but she actually seemed to benefit from it! So don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong, you’re looking after your son and providing him with distraction entertainment and education to help him feel better and to give yourself a break, which also benefits him in the long run!
@dan54fis Now that I remember I babyset my nephew when he was 3 m and it lasted for about half a year at least. His parents never forbade me to turn on TV, and I didn't know much back then. He's 10 y old now prospering little mathematician, plays sports, very intelligent since young age. I would play him various cartoons ,play songs etc, not whole day but no restrictions either. Youngest,niece has been exposed to the same amount among her big brothers. TV would be at least in the background,while BiL watches football etc. Little girl is chatty little sunshine,so smart, outspoken. Now that I have Lo I am very wary but would use it as crutch to change his diapers or on very short rare occasions. So yeah, screen time should be avoided but as many advised, as long as one is still very engaged, interacting and playing with the kid,it should be fine
@dan54fis So you let a baby who isn’t feeling well and needed safe diaper free time in front of the TV to keep him in one place? That’s strategic parenting.

It also kept you from losing your sanity, that’s good parenting.

Remember all those videos you see are just short clips that are highly curated, producer, and edited. They do not represent how that family actually runs. They only represent how they want the world to see them.