Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

@bolfun4k Good god. I wouldn’t have had the patience to continue to sidestep his attempts to talk to you about his mom like you did. If that were a conversation between myself and Hubs, I would’ve screamed “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO EAT?!?! I’m NOT talking about your mom! Let it GOOOO!!” after about his third attempt. God damn. He needs to get out from under his mom’s thumb and fast.
@bolfun4k I read all of her words in my mil's voice and had some PTSD style flashbacks. So many perceived actions of disrespect! (My favorite... She cried for an hour because I took corn on the cob out of boiling water differently than she did. Obviously I was disrespecting her experience)

Does your mil have some undiagnosed (or untreated) borderline personality disorder?
@rpwolfgang That sounds so similar...

My MIL pretty much has given up sending over food, but she still sends over bread which she cuts into thick underbaked doughy slices for us to put in the freezer. My kid and me baked some bread and my husband brought her a roll, she cried because I'm 'taking even that away from her', as in, she is personally offended that I baked bread with my daughter in my home for my family... she takes it as a personal attack. That's what started this whole conversation.
@bolfun4k So, you can be supportive of DH and not have a relationship with his mother, as long as he is respectful! He could say "gah she was annoying and rude to kiddo!" And you go "that sucks honey".

This sounds more like he knows she's hurting kiddo because she's mad at you, and instead of protecting his kid he's blaming you, even though it actually has nothing to do with you?? Wtf? That's a dad fail right there. Wife, kids, then everyone else.

Also, ask him why he's ok with her being beyond disrespectful to you, the marriage you share and both of your parenting abilities? If he reckons respect would fix this why doesn't he realise it shouldn't ever go one way?

I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit. I know I don't have your patience, and I would not have kept offering food! Does he not get he is hurting you by putting the blame for everything on you? He's your DH, why is he hurting you to try and make someone else feel better?
@manh2000 Total dad fail. He just 'values' her pain over mine and my kids, and discounts any risk at all. I really did try, but it doesn't work to satisfy the combatitive mil of a mommys boy unless the he stops being mommys boy and starts standing up for himself. It sounds so easy, but it's really hard for him...
@bolfun4k Oh my gawwwd he's so dense. Have you tried hitting him with a heavy object? Iron skillet or shovel? Or maybe is his mom dying of some incurable disease so you can be done with her soon? Blerg I don't know how you survive without bashing your head into a wall repeatedly.