Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

@bolfun4k She didn't just do it to him either though. She did it to your child. My brothers and I were removed from our mother's care and bounced around foster care homes and group homes for about three years when we were kids. Regardless of whether or not CPS/DHS involvement is warranted, that shit still fucks you up for life. Reporting my family to CPS, even once, would be a thick, bold red line against which she would never be able to cross.
@davidcfname As a child my family was reported to CPS by the babysitter because she was somehow offended that we didn't wear shoes to play in the yard. Even though the man was super duper and made all of OUR interviews feel like cool uncle was on a visit, and even though he was very sympathetic to my parents, my parents still were frightened for YEARS by the visit.

I'm even more frightened, because I don't live in the US, I live in my husbands country of birth, so I get 'weird foreign lady' on top of every other lable I collect during a visit. For me it was a huge violation that these people had the right to question me every so often, disrupting my schedule (it DOES disrupt a schedule massively, here you get a call and a scheduled interview, then they surprise visit you later that week, or the opposite depending on the call, so in either case you're spending a lot of time frantically cleaning and praying that they won't come right this second that kiddo ran into a wall, you know...)
@bolfun4k Your husband must have an amazing dick and exceptional skills.

Because you surely must get a very very very satisfying compensation from him to put up with this shit.
@bolfun4k You know what made me really mad? The whole "mom wasn't interested in her" thing. Seriously? Did you MIL just ignore your child to spend the whole time complaining about you to your husband? What a bitch.
@vanover12 Seriously, he basically went full circle to get to “can you just respect my mom more so she won’t be forced to be a shitty grandmother? How can YOU keep hurting our child like this?”
@cfh2k5 Man, I've read poidipoidi's backstory before and I know she's not interested in leaving her husband but he seriously needs a punch in the dick sometimes. Or a lot of times. Or every day, just because. :|
@vanover12 She punishes me by punishing the kid. I also have a story about how she beat the left-handedness out of my child (kiddo was never left-handed, she just likes doing things with both hands sometimes, you know, because 'right handed' doesn't mean your left hand is paralized. I, however, am left handed.)
@bolfun4k I'm really struggling to understand why you allow a woman who has called CPS on you three separate times and beat your child around her at all.
@manaf She gets supervised visits, and she's PISSED about it. Of course I have to add that the society is very corperal punishment friendly, and the beatings ammounted to swats on her hands...

@bolfun4k I am left handed, and my son is very left handed. When I read this I just saw red. I'm a scorched earth kind of gal. I'd cut that bitch out of kid's life, then threaten to cut my husband if he so much as raised an eyebrow.
@bolfun4k A good chunk of my family is ambidextrous. We do lots with our lefts. What does she live in the 16th century or some shit, and thinks left handedness is evil?
@godisgood22 She told my husband that she watched something on the news and now she knows that I am the mirror immage of my twin who I ate when in the womb and so I have some devil in me. It's one of the many reasons why she hates me.

I'm also mostly ambidextrous, like, I write with both hands with no preference, but I play the cello so I have one 'strong' hand and on 'precise' hand, I prefer to do things like saw through wood with my right hand, and stuff like drawing and caligraphy with my left.
@katrina2017 He's an only child. He didn't cause any problems, went to school, got a scholorship, graduated everywhere with honors and everything, and then his parents helped him on the downpayment of an appartment, as far as I'm concerned, that's a reasonable thing to expect from parents... I don't feel like 'MIL helped with the downpayment to the appartment' means that I should be grateful and accept her version of home decor (which I don't like, and I find wasteful and stinky.)