Struggling treating 2 yr old’s chronic constipation

@lorenzomcgoo Miralax is only recommended for short term use to resolve occasional constipation and isn’t really supposed to be used long term as a dietary supplement.

Your baby needs more fiber from real food sources! Fruits, vegetables, beans, etc etc. Also, echoing what others said, more water! The miralax is a bandaid solution that might help with symptoms but it sounds like the root cause of this constipation is diet related.
@lorenzomcgoo Homemade popsicles maybe? Smoothies? Food coloring to make the water look fun? Competition to see who can drink a 5 oz glass the fastest? Something playful like that would be the direction I’d try.

There are a lot of good suggestions on diet here, but miralax was the only thing that got us on a good track with my son. For a while he was shitting out baseballs and the cycle of pain, withholding poop, constipation, repeat was a tough one to break.
@lorenzomcgoo Things moved out of crisis mode pretty quickly - meaning no more nights where we’d sit with him on the potty while he screamed in pain for an hour or two. It probably only took a week or so to get out of that mode. But true resolution where we had regular pain-free poops probably took a month or more of miralax. I think we were doing half the adult dose of miralax every other day during that maintenance period. (Aimed for every day, but we probably weren’t the most consistent.) Which brings up the point that even if she isn’t drinking the full dose you’d like, what she gets will still help some.

A year later he poops pretty much every night like clockwork without the help of miralax or any dietary changes.
@lorenzomcgoo It can take several months if she’s been chronically constipated for a while. Chronic constipation causes the rectum to dilate, which means the poop becomes too big to easily push out if it’s at all hard, and makes it harder for the kid to feel when they need to poop. It takes time for the rectum to get back to healthy size, as well as for the kid to stop being scared to poop and to listen to the sensation of needing to
@lorenzomcgoo I know the question was how to get 5 oz if water, and there is no answer.

5 oz of Apple juice did the job without the laxative. Sweeter liquid might hide it and prompt drinking more.

Or alternatives:

A little bit of curry seasoning, in soup, gravy or rice, barely enough to taste. My kid has loved it from 2 years old and we usually poop 30 minutes after.

Curry powder

Curry roux
@lorenzomcgoo Switch to Begin Health fiber and HMO powder. Miralax is not a clean option for kids, tastes terrible and is not best for the gut microbiome.

Also, she might still not be getting enough liquids. Whole milk is ok, but avoid juices as long as possible, even watered down.

Consider testing her stool to learn about any underlying issues for this constipation. We've used Tiny Health extensively. They provide excellent advice that is largely food-based on how to improve the gut and constipation, as well as some allergies.

A probiotic might be in order. See above and check with the ped before doing so. We use Jarro and Pediatric Seed for our guy who suffered from constipation a lot.

Lastly, she might not be getting enough electrolytes. Bananas (high in potassium, have some mangesium) are a safe option for kids before getting into the liquid, colored options. Add a touch of celtic salt to meal a day as well.
@lorenzomcgoo We only use Begin Health Fiber powder now - godspeed to you! We put it in water for the adults, milk for the little one. He poops daily now, knock on wood. And it improves your gut health as well, feeding good bacteria.

Try BH for a week, every day, see if it moves the needle. Depending on your child's weight and age, they can get up to two, but read the directions.
@lorenzomcgoo Pears also are really helpful. Yellow kiwi too.

I work in post partum and this sounds really gross but some patients say it tastes ok. I warm up prune juice and add a little butter and it almost always helps them go lol!

Will a kid drink that? Idk. Maybe add some hot coco mix or something to it
@lorenzomcgoo I can encourage my toddler to drink more water by feeding her spicy food next to a full water cup. Obviously, only do that if your kid likes spicy food.
@lorenzomcgoo Water water water. I had the same problem with my twins, and I wasn't ready to ween them. Went thru all options with ped, the pain and horror of having to pull poop out of your toddlers butt was a weekly deal for us and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Eventually, as per my ped recommendation and friends gently talking to me about options, I finally decided to wean them a bit.. and they were doing great after a few days. It was me that had the issue with it :( I was able to really supply my girls with nutrients and bond with them, but also melt that baby gut off. We found other activities to do together. I was hurt but glad I did what was best for them in the end.
I'm not saying this is the issue in your case. What others are saying is right tho, you don't have to use Miralax but, most options that don't include Miralax also require the child to drink more water. I would try to avoid sugary juices as well. Water water water!