Struggling treating 2 yr old’s chronic constipation


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We did a bowel clean out after getting to the point she was also only pass large stools once a week. It worked but now we’re on the maintenance phase which requires her to drink 5-8 oz of water with Miralax in it.

She still nurses. I don’t want to wean yet. She will only drink 2-3 oz of non-breast milk a day. How can I get osmotic laxative into her body?
@lorenzomcgoo Put it in something tastier than water like juice or milk. Miralax in water is kind of gross and it’s not surprise she doesn’t like it

But also, she’s two. She should definitely be drinking more than a couple ounces of non-breast milk liquid per day. You don’t need to stop nursing but encourage water first/more often. Dehydration is likely playing a big part in constipation
@lorenzomcgoo Prunes. Pears or pear juice contain sorbitol naturally which is laxative. Fiber cereals like grape nuts in yogurt (they stay crunchy while granola gets soggy so it’s a plus). Bran and fruit muffins. Tomato soup (anecdotal fact I was told by a daycare provider is that tomato soup day was dreaded for all the poppy diapers), blueberries have a surprising amount of fiber.

If diet doesn’t effect it then definitely talk to your doc because there could be underlying issues. Heck talk to them anyway and they may have more ideas. Even calling the nurse line they can probably advise you.
@sparker My daughter went through a constipated phase when we started solids and pears always did it!! Definitely worth trying different fruits and food options before resorting to laxatives especially on a regular basis as she can become dependent.
@reneprays Careful with this advice—my three year old has been in Miralax for a year because I was advised not to give it and try to do other things for a long time first. I think about, all the time, how I could have spared him copious amounts of Miralax by giving it a few times before the constipation became so extreme.
@reneprays They’ve probably already tried fruit. The number of people I had tell me to stop the Miralax and give Apple juice is astounding. I’m sharing what I’ve learned because I had no idea, before my son went through it, how unbelievably bad and indefatigable constipation can be.
@lorenzomcgoo Fun cups! Crazy straws! My toddler had to have Miralax, too. Give her a new cup after the newest gets old. I would give her all sorts of crazy grown up cups, too. Anything to keep her drinking!

It would help if I could get her to drink while distracted. So, just putting the straw in her mouth while she’s coloring. Or looking out the window together watching the lawn guys mow the lawn. I’d aim for 4oz at a time. Morning, then afternoon. It was more doable that way. I really like the EZPZ mini cup (4oz) for getting her to drink. It has little sensory bumps on the straw that cause babies/toddlers to instinctively suck.

Miralax and water were the two things that actually helped my daughter. Honorable mentions: peas! WATERMELON! Fiber gummy bears! pears, peaches, prunes.
@lorenzomcgoo Upping magnesium and potassium was a game changer for constipation in my toddler. We did topical magnesium and lots of high potassium foods (apricots, coconut water, etc).
@lorenzomcgoo Can it go in yogurt? Applesauce? We've run into this but a little older and also talked about the importance of drinking enough, especially in warm weather (but that may work better at 3-4).
@katty143 Miralax needs adequate fluid intake to work- it works by drawing fluid into the intestines to soften the poop. So while you don’t necessarily have to drink the miralax as a beverage, if you aren’t getting adequate fluids in general, it won’t be as effective. Giving it in a cup of some sort of fluid helps ensure that you’re hydrated enough for it to do its job.
@ecclesiastian Yeah, I was thinking the problem is she's getting most of her fluids through breastfeeding, which doesn't allow for mixing in the miralax. We were fully weaned by the time mine needed it so we had more options, but I wouldn't say to cut down on breastfeeding before she's definitely ready to drink enough of an alternative for hydration.