Stroller Woes

@tembesbingit We have the Graco stroller and had the car seats when the boys were younger. It's fine. Not great, but totally fine. A bit on the heavy and large side, but it's sturdy and you can keep it after the kids are out of the carriers.

The carriers themselves aren't too bad, either. I had a longish walkway to get my car (as far as such things go anyway), and I could carry them both myself for a few months at least.

How much you go out is partly up to your lifestyle. If you're homebodies, not too much. For us it was doctor's visits, weekly grocery shopping (after the first two or three months, when we had help), and an occasional family get together. It's hard to have enough time to get out while they still take multiple naps a day.

We had four bases, two for each of our cars. If you have two cars between you both, maybe you could move the bases in and out of your less used car if the grandparents do take them places. The bases clip in and out pretty easily.