Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..


New member
To cut a long story short, myself and my ex husband have been divorced since 2013, we share a child together, a soon to be 12 year old boy whose awaiting testing for ADHD and Autism. For the 6 weeks holiday he went and spent 3 weeks with his Dad and his family (his Wife, and their 4 children, two of whom are diagnosed and medicated) we usually co parent very well together. I have just found out through my son today that his wife gave my son at least 3 or 4 tablets of methylphenidate (Ritalin) over the course of time he spent at his Dad's.
I asked my ex husband and at first he denied it saying he knew nothing about it. Then I get a phone call from his wife and she is trying to justify herself giving my son class B controlled drugs that weren't prescribed to my son. She said he wanted to try them, then said all the kids were being hyper and difficult to be around, then tried to say she had her husbands permission, but should have asked me first!
I am obviously fuming. I only found out because one of his teachers at school asked if he was medicated and he said no but he had tried some and it helped, then when he told me the story I asked him to explain what he meant.
It's illegal in the UK to supply a person prescribed medication not meant for them. I have a good relationship with her and him, well up until now and I told her I wasn't impressed and that even if she had asked me I would have answered no.
Where do I go from here? I don't want to cause damage to their family unit, but I also don't want this to swept under the rug. What would you do in my situation?
@cturtle If it’s illegal you can file a police report and go for modified custody. If you have any written proof she did this that’s best, but the fact is they gave your son medication not meant for him and that means they can’t be trusted
@porsche I know I am fully within my rights to call the police, and part of me would want to, I just know if I do then it could tear their family unit apart. Social services and fines, maybe prison time depending on the judge. We've always done things mutually, and have never gone through the courts for custody or maintenance. Things were rocky in the beginning but these past few years it's been friendly and we get on well. I was just posting to gauge others opinions on the situation.
@cturtle I mean it’s your decision completely, but can you trust them with him? Trust that they won’t continue to give him medication illegally? I get there not wanting to break their family apart. And IT doesn’t necessarily have to but you have to protect your son first
@porsche Her I now cannot trust, but him I'm not 100 percent sure if he knew or not. I suspect he may not have and just went along with it to protect her. My son is due to go back there in October and he loves his Dad so much. I can't restrict access to his Dad. I would become that parent. I'm so torn.
@cturtle I would tell both co parent & his wife to NEVER do this again, or next time you will have to escalate. But frankly, I’m this world… it’s a good time to start teaching your son safety around medications etc. don’t shame him for what his dad/wife did… i may say “parents sometimes give medications & we usually know what we’re doing, however we’re human & accidents happen so to be extra safe, you should always double check that the medication you are given is what you are prescribed from a doctor. & of course, go over what to do if you or dad give wrong medication & what to do if friends/strangers offer medication that isn’t yours! 🤍 I’d be extra suspicious for awhile, but it’s likely going to be an eye opener for step mom to WATCH what she’s doing without your permission & id let go parent know that regardless if they knew or not they we’re ultimately responsible for the child while he’s in their care & you NEVER can have this happen again, or you wil escalate to keep son safe, regardless what that means for anyone other than son.
@lovemygod Luckily my son is very medication aware, I take numerous pills that if he were to take them, would land him straight in A&E. He knows not to touch anyone's prescribed medication, but I guess on this occasion his trust for his step mum probably outweighed his sense of danger like you've mentioned above. I have in no way shamed my son or will be for taking these pills at all, in fact I explained that I was only upset because he shouldn't have been offered them, not because he took them.
Hes not a bad kid and despite any disabilities he may or may not have, he is quite aware and high functioning in life, and super intelligent with things like this. I'm lucky to have him. I appreciate your thoughts on the situation. Thank you.
@cturtle That’s wonderful! - I’m sorry if it sounded like I thought you did shame him, it’s very clear from your comments & post you would never.. I just offered that I suppose because as I thought it in my head I worried MY high conflict co parent would see me as “disrespecting him”.. & it could be easy to accidentally say something & have a child interpret it as their other parent did something bad. - my daughter (10) is awaiting assessment for ADHD (& after some comments I wonder honestly about austim again now) so I know just how wonderful & smart these kids are, sounds like he’s got a great parent doing right by him. 🤍
@lovemygod Oh I didn't mean to come across as I thought you were telling me I was shaming him. It was like 1am and I was shattered. I knew you wasn't trying to tell me that.
Fingers crossed your daughters appointments come through soon, the waiting times are awful at the minute.
Thank you for the comment about great parenting. I try. It means a lot. 🖤
@cturtle If you do it, she could tear their family unit apart. There are good reasons it's illegal and she shouldn't have committed that crime. If you choose to hold her accountable, that's not on you, that's on her.
Just a little update, after speaking with my ex husband this morning about all of this, he has actually told me that he didn't know, and had he have known he wouldn't have let her medicate our son with someone elses prescription. He has made it very clear to me that he is every bit as angry as I am. At least I have clarity on that.
The October half term visit with them has been cancelled.
After reading some of your opinions, including a snotty private message about me not valuing my sons safety and caring more about their family dynamic than I do of my own, I have decided to not personally involve the police unless my sons school intervenes, which is then beyond my control and they will have to deal with the consequences.
I am extremely lucky that my son hasn't had any adverse reactions and his health mental or physical hasn't been affected by her serious misjudgement.
I appreciate all of the advice and opinions on this matter and I thank you all.
I believe I am doing right by my son in this instance, and every family circumstance is different.
@cturtle Not that an internet arrangers opinion counts for much, but I think you’re doing the right thing by not involving the police. I would absolutely be furious about this situation and would take it very seriously. Would definitely not trust the stepmom anymore (I’m a stepmom and would never even think to do risk my stepsons health/safety by giving him that strong of drugs). I’m glad coparent is on your side here because really what was stepmom thinking?!?! I don’t have good advice but I agree that involving police would probably not help a lot and could cause more big picture harm than good.
@cturtle If you have a good relationship with them, then perhaps you need to sit down with both of them over coffee, explain that, aside from being illegal, giving your child any prescription medication that was not prescribed to them is a hard boundary that you never want crossed again. If they argue or try to justify their actions, say it's illegal for a reason, and you don't have to explain yourself as to why you don't want it to happen again. If they still try to argue, say if we can't come to an agreement today, you'll be making a police report - hopefully it won't get to that, hopefully they will accept your boundary and follow it in future.

My ex (to my knowledge) has never given my kids drugs that weren't prescribed to them, but when she believes she's right, all authority, including the law, goes out the window, so that's totally something she would do. And she tells me I have a pole up my arse if I try to argue with her. I don't know if that's what your ex's wife is like, but if she is, be the person with a pole up your arse in her mind. It doesn't matter. This is your child, you have every right to say that your child should not illegally take prescription drugs.
@spookydawg77 Thanks for your insight. This is what I am leaning towards more. My ex husband was texting me explaining that they were sorry and that they needed to be more educated regarding their other sons medication, but part of me feels he was defending her choice to illegally medicate my son. Surely if he really didn't know he was be just as angry as I am, but then part of me thinks he wouldn't want me to know if he was angry at her either. It's such a weird situation. I feel angry but I don't know what to do.
@escapewoman The teacher who asked my son if he was medicated this afternoon hasn't reached out so I'm not sure if they have twigged or not. I only found out because the only medication he has ever had from me is antibiotics or pain relief, so when he said he told the teacher that he tried some and it worked I asked him to elaborate and then he told me. Then after getting in contact with my ex they indeed confirmed his step mum had given him the drugs, along with melatonin, which he is also not prescribed.
@cturtle I would be furious. I know things are tough when you know them very well and think the consequences would be too harsh for them, I understand that, but what they did is really, really not ok.

I know you would feel guilty for doing anything about it, but it's really not ok. If he were injured would she give him prescription painkillers too? She knew it was a crime and chose to do it. It's not ok. I understand your frustration and your position of not wanting to feel like you overreacted and ruined her life (which wouldn't be your fault since she chose to commit a crime that involved your child.)
@escapewoman I know she's totally at fault, but them and their family, gosh if I did report it, I would be the devil incarnate. I would never ever hear the end of it. Be blamed for everything. I don't know if I could deal with that.
@cturtle From everything you've described, it sounds like reporting it is not necessary, so I think you're doing the right thing.

More generally though, it's possible you could benefit from talking through with a therapist. I used to not say/do things because I was scared of being called the devil incarnate. I've learnt that that's not a good reason to not do what I believe is right. In my situation, I became the devil incarnate anyway, didn't matter what I did. So, I should have just been the devil incarnate from the start, and asserted what I felt was right from the beginning.