Single parent because of a DUI

@kim75 Being a parent is the most rewarding and stressful job, you will ever have. Try to give yourself some grace, it will get better I promise you. You’re not a coward, you’re stronger than you think. Don’t give up on your life, your child needs you. I’m recently divorced from a narcissist, and now a single mom. I totally understand your frustration. I know you’re feeling overwhelmed, that’s perfectly normal as a new parent. You could also be suffering from postpartum depression, it’s common after having a child. Try not to let your emotions win, I also dealt with postpartum after having my child. Try finding a therapist that can help you through your feelings, and help get you back on track. I understand ideally no one wants to be a single mom/dad, but sometimes it’s the harsh reality of it. Stay positive Mama bear, you can do it.
@kim75 This is literally my story!!!! Wow! My child’s father went to jail for 8 months smh He was upset I won’t let him drive my daughter anywhere. Top of that he’s family is racist when I educated and doing better then him and many of his relatives as a black woman and I stupidly had his baby. They’re Asian love my daughter she’s only 3 but this is so relatable he’s out of prison now pays child support but doesn’t see her more than a few hours a month.
@mdivoak Oh sorry to hear that, that sucks. I feel stupid, I didn’t realise you could end up in jail with a first time DUI that caused no accident, and I never expected to be alone so early on :(
@kim75 It's still surprising how ppl .. us ppl ... even thou we lived those times and at the times the love you s were real and the sex was on .. after that the person is horrible .... but here's the funny part ... the get with another person do the same shit the love you s the sex maybe have another baby .. .. so there goes a second baby daddy... all am saying is wake up.... either lernd to choose you other and take you're time or just lernd to be alone without the extra bs...
@lovegodhatesin It's for this reason I'm an advocate of no dating or marriage, stay single or get a random hook up. Life is much better when you have no distractions to focus on your goals. Relationships are a distraction and not a necessity, and everyone is better off without them
@teamo No I guess I didn’t know a misdemeanour, no injuries, could lead to 1 year jail time? In my country rapists don’t get 1 year, and they intentionally hurt someone.

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