Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

@servantheart We don't really know, but it's probably natural selection. Boy foetuses are more likely to be miscarried. Boys have a slightly higher chance of stillbirth and SIDS, and other causes of death before reproductive age (which is all natural selection cares about).
@elam84 Anecdotally, I only know one mom with enough children to really create a pattern. She has 10, 7 girls, 3 boys. #1 was boy, #2,3,4 were girls, #5 was boy, #6,7,8 were girls, #9 was boy, #10 was girl. Also mildly interesting, 2 and 3 are twins.
@kevin_01 Can you imagine spending that much of your life pregnant? I'm a mom of one kid. I hated pregnancy sooooooooooooooo much. I can't imagine being pregnant for 9+ years of my existence. Power to those that can, want to, and willingly build a large family. I don't have the guts -literally- to do it.
@al106 My great-great grandmother had 18 live births - only 11 survived to adulthood. My grandfather was the second to last. She started having kids at 18. She had her last at like 45. My great grandfather had nieces and nephews who were years older than him. There were no multiples. I just can't imagine spending that much of my life pregnant, but fortunately I got a nice late start at 32 so I physically can't, but even the thought of being pregnant a second time is not very appealing.
@genxjeff I was very happy pregnant, and would do it again. It was just the getting un-pregnant part that we struggled with and I am nervous to replicate.

Pregnancy hormones have nothing on the rough PMDD rollercoaster that I had normally. Most emotionally stable 9 months of my life. Plus my hair was so thick and luscious, my cystic acne chinples went away, and people told me that I glowed. I was just happy!
@dorsettmm Maybe, but probably not as low as you would think. And even when it is low odds, there are so many people in the world it's likely it will happen to somebody.
@genxjeff My great grandfather's siblings were 7 boys, 3 girls. I'm not certain of birth order. I'm also pretty sure those were just the siblings that made it to adulthood, so I'm not actually sure of the real ratio.
@elam84 So looking at family trees, and looking at men because they are the ones that send X or Y, if you have all brothers you are more likely to have sons, if you have a sister you're more likely to have girl.