She is being prepped for emergency c-section right now


New member
I didn't know where to post this other than /r/offmychest and for reasons I can't recall I am banned there. I don't have anyone to talk to here besides my mother and she is being a bit more dramatic than I care to deal with (mostly due in part to her having little to no sleep).

I am just a little scared. That's all I wanted to say. I can't say it out loud.

That's it.

Everything is fine and she is spectacular.

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
@natalli Remember that even though this is likely a once in a lifetime type of thing for you, the medical staff literally deal with this sort of thing every day. C-sections, even when they are emergencies, are routine surgery and the chances of anything going wrong are really, really low.
@natalli Scary stuff, man - there were two moments for us with baby#2 where we were both convinced that an Emergency C-Section was imminent, although neither of us said anything to the other not wanting to jinx anything.

Fortunately we had full faith in the people around us, so we felt that she and the baby were in good hands throughout. Everything can change so quickly, though, it's a relief when it's all over.

@natalli It's scary. She'll be okay. Remember to avoid looking back at her after you go to see the baby...or just be prepared to see her splade open. Happened to me. Almost threw up on new baby.

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