She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

@psyman 36 weeker who is now 4 months old and his toes are busting out of 3-6 months!! This is what happens when mom is 5ft6 and dad is 6ft4…lol
@psyman I know what you mean!

My little one was born two weeks late, weighed 9 lbs and was veeeery long so she never even fit into newborn clothes and I felt robbed never getting to snuggle my tiny baby doing a newborn scrunch.
@psyman I know I find comfort in that she’s growing and happy! My 13 week old is in size 2 diapers and 3-6 I look at her newborn clothes now and they look tiny
@psyman I remember when I my now nearly 4 month old grew out of his newborn clothes around 2-3w. I still have them hanging in the closet bc I couldn’t bring myself to pack them up. We’re almost in 6-9m now. Time really flies and they grow so fast. 🥹
@psyman My son will be 5 months old on Christmas Day and he's already in 6-9 month clothes and has been for about 3 weeks now. I was so sad changing out his 3-6 wardrobe for the 6-9. I told my husband "he's not even 5 months old, he can't be in 6-9 clothes already!"

He's my first and only baby so it's even more sad knowing I'll never get to experience this for the first time again. His pediatrician also told us to start solids around 5.5 months and I'm emotional about that too. Not ready for my baby to grow up.
@psyman I had a big baby to begin with, 8lb 6oz at birth. We got use out of newborn for like a week and after that it's been 0-3. She's 6 weeks now and her 0-3 is starting to fit tight. She's probably about 11-12lbs now. It's sad but her cousin who's two weeks behind her is small and I get to see some of my favorite outfits live on that way. However if she keeps it up I have a bunch of summer stuff in bigger sizes and in the Midwest it stays pretty cold until at least April so idk what I'll do then. Have to go back to once upon a child lol 😆