She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore


New member
And I’m so fucking sad about how fast it all went. She was JUST a tiny 4 pound 34 weeker. Just last week she was still fine in 0-3. Now she’s 13lbs at 5 months and I tried putting her in a footie she wore last week and it couldn’t fit her at ALL. Like it was hilariously tight. So I changed her to a 3-6 month onesie and pants. She still somehow comfortably fits newborn pants!

But it’s all just happening way too fast. She’s in a size 1 diaper now and I can’t believe that either. From the preemie diapers to THIS?! My baby is growing up so fast 🥺 I SOBBED on the couch for an hour last night while my fiancé and I looked at her first few pics.

How are you all coping with your babies outgrowing things and tripling in size?! Is anyone else sobbing about it like I am?? 🥹🥹🥹
@psyman My postpartum emotion has mostly been an existential crisis as well. I have been overcome with fear of losing it all in the blink of an eye, even when holding her in my arms, as if the sands of time are slipping through my fingers and all I can do is watch. I've started to tell myself to focus on the present in order to avoid being pulled into the future or past in ways that are unhelpful. When it feels like the intensity of love, I am okay with it. It's when I am grieving that I try to reroute my thoughts. But what is grief if not intense love? I just hate to miss happy times while fearing loss. Anyway, yes I am there with you.
@coffeegrinder I feel this so much.

I love experiencing every first holiday with my son but I find myself leading up to it in a bit of a panic of whether or not I need to do ALL the keepsake ideas for fear I will regret it later.

Thankfully I haven’t gone and done all of the things because I only have so much room but I still feel sad and worried I will regret it later on. Trying to focus more on finding one or two special things I want to do and know I’ll be happy with for years to come. But it’s still hard sometimes.
@devman992 Right, and then you feel like you're losing time to be happy being anxious. It's so confusing. I'm sure you're doing great. I'm also not doing the keepsake part super organized, but with all the photos and video to document, I just pray it'll gel one day. Honestly, the baby may have too much from this time to wade through in terms of documentation. If I had videos like this of me with my parents in the 80s, it would be bittersweet, hard to process I think.
@psyman Honestly no one prepares you for how emotional you’ll get when they no longer fit in a size in clothes. I almost cried as I packed away her newborn onesies.

Also, when I really want to torture myself, I think about how today she is the smallest she will ever be 😭
@disciplemattias I’m not ready to pack them away but we have to because I went through 5 outfits today that didn’t fit and I don’t want to keep scrambling to find an outfit that fits. So it’s time to put some away so I don’t keep pulling them 🥺
@disciplemattias If you’re lucky, you end up with a baby like mine who topped out at 2T at 12 months and after those first two sizes you blow through so many sizes so quickly you have no time to be attached to them. 🥴
@psyman My girl just had her 4 month appointment and is 25in and 17lbs, she’s got fantastic chunky thighs so she’s now in 6-9 months or she can’t bend her legs! Were one and done and I’m struggling with her growing out if all her Christmas clothes!
@shadraq My daughter was 18lbs 6oz and 25.25” at her 4 month appointment. She fits comfortably in some 6 month clothes but we mostly dress her in sleepers at home for convenience and most of those are 6-9 months. I can’t decide if I want another, but the clothes I never got to put her in because she got so big so fast make me sad lol.
@shadraq i also have a chunky thigh-ed cutie! 17lbs 8oz at 4 months (few days ago) and it’s all going way too fast 😭 just spent the last hour looking through my photos and those first weeks feel like yesterday
@tonyrichy86 Jaws of life 😂. In all seriousness though, not the commenter above but my baby is similarly large (she was over 11lbs at 4 weeks, 9lbs at birth) and giving birth to her really wasn’t bad! The head is the hardest part to get out and hers was only 54th percentile.
@brightblossom We had to move up to 3-6m at 8wk too - LO was born 11lb 1oz.
He's currently 1wk away from 6m and a lot of his 6-9m stuff is starting to feel a bit snug on his 22lb body. He's long too, with big feet.
Glad I didn't buy too many items in bigger sizes early on - he has some summer clothes in 12m that he will likely be wearing in March 😆

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