Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

@blubblubanime My husband and I pondered if people will find the science to gestate puppies and kittens.

“This is my son.”

“Unless you pushed him out of your vagina, he’s—-“

“I did.”
I got kicked out for saying “you all need to calm down with this mob mentality, none of us were there to see what happened”. This was in response to a post of someone saying they saw a baby alone in a car at the grocery store, but by the time they took their phone out, the mother had returned. People were calling for Jail time, permanent loss of custody etc. like, the mother could have simply been returning the carriage. It was insane. They wanted blood.
@katrina2017 Crazy times - I get the fear of leaving a kid in the car when the parent goes into the store, etc, etc.. especially in heat - kids die! But it DOES feel like vultures are circling, waiting to pounce on any suspected negligence.
@katrina2017 I left my 4 year old in the car to use the Redbox today. I was parked right in front of said Redbox. It's 65 out. Still scared to leave her in there because people are so crazy about that stuff.
@pauljc I know. It's like we half expect mobs of crazy people with the police on speed dial to jump out every time we need to get literally one item from a not-busy store.

See, my kids are happy, eating a snack, listening to a story, with the command start on. Nothing is wrong with this! My son actually asked to stay in at Walmart (he's 2), and cried when I said no.