Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

@romans116 I hear ya.

I met a friend who has a daughter who is deaf. I'm Deaf, and she was thrilled to meet me. After chatting and such like that. She takes her kids to chiropractors for "well being", and her deaf daughter gets a special "treatment" to help heal her ears to improve her hearing. Wtf. I noped out of that friendship.

I'm still "friends" with her on FB for snooping purposes. Looks like she has gotten her daughter hearing aids, going to a school with other deaf kids and such. She still doesn't believe in vaccines or her daughter wearing pink (interferes with her therapy. Whatever the fuck that means), and must have wholesome organic vegan foods (I'm not bashing Vegans, just the way she says that being a Vegan is cureall and pizza is going to kill me). But hey, it's a start.

I believe chiropractors have it's place, but god fuck no it's not a cureall.
pizza is going to kill me

I personally love when people say crap like this to me about anything i do. My great grandfather was a coal miner who smoked a ton, drank a ton more, and ate just as "poor" as i do. Dude lived to be 92 years old and was in pretty good health before he died even with the exception of hacking stuff up.

Cant really predict whats going to be best way for people to live. Even if you do everything right you can drop dead today from some not seen health issue, or you could be like my grandpa and live a long happy life doing the shit you like doing. Think ill take my chances with the exception being if my personal doctor says to take or do something. Not going to take advise from some person in a facebook group who likely barely made it out of highschool and works at the local grocery store or mcdonalds.
@mizm Every mom talking about their husband: Yeah my DH sets the house on fire regularly. I've asked him if he could feed the baby or change a diaper so I can have a break, but he just spits in my face and throws a cigarette in the trash.
@mizm Omg I was smirking at all of these but guffawed at "have you tried CIO? We tried it during the last housefire and he hasnt complained since."

Shit, that is gold right there hahahahah
@js0151929 Im trying to place picturing there needs to be audible noise. More than a scoff. But below the spit out my coffee reading it. With a hint of "i cant believe they said that/im going to hell for not only thinking its funny but for appreciating the subtle nature of the joke."
@mizm One of the benefits of being a dad and not a mom in the modern world is not having to participate in these groups.

One of the downsides of being a dad in the modern world is having 2/3 of older men (and way to many older women) act like you’re strange for ‘helping’ with the kids and not acting like having kids is burdensome because it distracts your wife from doing housework for you and providing you sex.
@mizm Basically. Mom groups are hell on earth.
I remember one conversation about if it was okay to eat grapefruit while pregnant, and OH LORDY...PEOPLE HAD SOME BIG OPINIONS ABOUT THAT.
@curious12 Ask yourself this: would you, personally, EVER choose to eat a grapefruit? If the answer is no, then I agree with you completely and definitely would not eat one while pregnant.

If the answer is yes, then I'm afraid I can't condone that and we can't be friends.
@curious12 I also love grapefruit and grapefruit juice. I drank it daily until that guy died from a grapefruit induced overdose of a common antihistamine that I also happened to be on. My son knows he can never have grapefruit juice; the daily med he depends on has a nasty tox profile and the combination would cause liver failure. I still love it. But everyone should know to avoid it until they have confirmed it is not harmful for them. Too many people don't understand that it has risks.
@soar Wait, what? Why wouldn't you be able to eat grapefruit while pregnant. I mean I'm on board with the wine, and cheese, and ice cream and lettuce, and pre-cut fruit, sprouts, cantaloupe, sushi, sea food, under-cooked eggs, under-cooked meat, lunch meat, coffee, foods too high is sugar, foods too high in salt, peanuts and peanut products, and prepared salads. But what's with the grapefruit?
@romans116 Grapefruit contains an inhibitor of P450, commonly involved in drug metabolism. You should avoid grapefruit if you are on ANY medication until you determine whether it is safe. This is not a pregnancy thing but people are more cautious during pregnancy. The easiest thing is to ask your pharmacist.

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