Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

@mizm I avoid mom groups like the plague. "My only concern is my child's well being. Hold on, gotta take a pic while driving!" Most of them make no sense whatsoever.
@mizm This is so accurate! There's also a "thoughts and prayers for everything" mom who home schools her 7 kids and does bible study.
@mizm My local Facebook mom group was full of anti-vaxxers and moms asking for free shit. Every once in a while you'd get one that posted a photo of some rash or poop asking everyone if their kid was dying.

So glad I got rid of Facebook.
@casper99 I started ignoring a lot of the diaper swap groups I was part of because it was constant 'I need free diaps! I'm desperate!' but they only wanted the expensive, super cute ones.
@vancevalter66 And it isn't even that so much that bothers me, emergencies happen, I get it.

What I don't get is being so desperate, dying for diapers, and when offered a plain one or a cheapie one, turning your nose up at it. You either need diapers and take what you can get, or you don't need them that bad.
@elijah3in1 "My baby deserves the best" = maybe an explanation for why the budget isn't working out. Or does she think that she's the only good mom surrounded by inferior moms who use Kirkland or Target generic because we don't love our kids as much as she loves hers?
@elijah3in1 Oh, god...that's infuriating.

I had one mom in my group who kept asking for free baby food purees for her 1 month old! Everyone kept telling her that babies can't start eating solids until at least 4 months. She just kept snapping back saying that all of her kids had purees early and they were all fine and that we were all assholes for judging her. Some people appeased her and told her to check with the DHS and apply for assistance, and she said that they wouldn't give her vouchers for purees because of her baby's age. DUH!!!

I snooped a little through her page, and it looked like she had 4 other kids who were all taken away from her. There were also so many photos of her smoking pot, drinking, and partying, and I couldn't discern how old she was because she looked like an ex/current meth addict. I mean, the partying on its own is one thing, but coupled with everything else was really concerning.
@casper99 I cannot even think of any reason a one month old would need purees. Can they even swallow those right??

I can't even understand why she thought that would work? I wonder if she thought it made the baby sleep longer?

As far as the diapers though, I realized a lot of people on the cloth diaper swaps think that they'll double their money on used poop catchers, and it boggles me.
@elijah3in1 I'm in a local "buy nothing" group for families. Overall it's great for giving away baby gear or getting/borrowing stuff. But some people are shameless and ask for expensive, new stuff, then repost every week. It's so obnoxious.

One lady (jokingly) posted "ISO gently used Ferrari" which I appreciated.
@casper99 I was a part of one. I left when they started talking about how a bunch of them used chiropractors as their pediatricians. When I mentioned that that was seriously insane, I was told that I was being super judgy and chiropractors are real doctors. I decided that I wasn't a good fit for the group.

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