Shared in my wife's FB Mom's Group

Mom C: “Essential oils. Unrelated: I sell them.”

Yup, this is why I had to leave my mothers of multiples Facebook group. I got tired of posting "please ask your pediatrician before giving that to your infant!" on every post where someone recommended the damn oils for ear aches and whatnot.
@elijah3in1 Those things make me SO NERVOUS. “Make sure there are no blankets, toys, crib bumpers, ANYTHING in the crib in case of suffocation!!!! Here, put this string of beads around your baby’s neck, it’s fine!” Like, dude. I’m more concerned about my child being strangled by the beads!
@sally1b2b Yeah, I don't think the potential for help was worth the choking hazard. Many, many, people say they work, so I guess I could just be bananas.

Still, though...
@elijah3in1 That's actually because teething isn't anywhere as near uncomfortable as people think. The teeth don't physically cut through the gums; there is a period of mild discomfort, probably inflammatory - some kids/teeth worse than others - but for the most part the gums developmentally fall away ahead of the tooth, and the nerve endings are gone by the time the tooth is visible. Most parent don't know that. Kids are continuously teething for a stretch, and they cry a lot. So kid crying = must be teeth; kid stops crying = yay my cure worked. Meanwhile poor baby actually had a random itch that was making him absolutely crazy and he doesn't yet know how to scratch his foot. Or something.
@gyamfi Right? People think crying=horrible pain when most of the time, crying= anyfuckingthing they can’t put into words. “This teeny spot in my mouth has called my attention!” gets full-blown angry crying. It’s mainly exacerbated b/c they’re pissed they CAN’T tell you.
@elijah3in1 I remember the desperation of my twins teething, but I was always too scared to put a necklace around their necks at that age! I know they are individually strung, and the clasp snaps or something, blah blah, it's still a necklace on a baby.
@elijah3in1 I remember when a toddler died at daycare, strangled by the necklace. The mom wanted to sue the daycare for negligence but she's the one that sent her kid in a fucking necklace. I cant imagine the pain of losing your child... and the risk of it happening for zero benefit is crazy.
@elijah3in1 I was berated after I answered a mother looking to use those for teething. I believe, when she asked, she had already made up her mind so she was just seeking approval. But I mentioned those aren’t proven to work, there is no evidence to back up the claims that those who hawk the necklaces make, and the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend babies wear any jewelry. I said that in response to her question and was VILIFIED by not only her but a lot of the other mothers as well. Then she responded with “evidence” that they do work but the source was from a company who sells them 🙄
@elijah3in1 Argh, I was complaining that my kiddos seem to be on the tougher side of the teething-pain spectrum to someone in person the other day and they suggested an amber necklace. I’m a very kind and polite person but I was honestly pretty taken aback and had to sort of sputter out that I wouldn’t take the risk. I didn’t know how to politely say that they’re a bunch of bunk and a major hazard to boot. At least internet moms groups don’t need an immediate reaction.
@rosepetallenses "Ugh, I had to take a FOUR hour online course on EOs, I'm basically a doctor myself. Your stupid pediatrician is just being paid off by big pharma to lie to you and make your kid even more sick so you buy more drugs."
@mizm My wife posted once about not being able to sleep and by the next morning she had cancer, preeclampsia, and she was killing
Her baby with the food coloring she was ingesting lol
@mizm The best way to get kicked out of a mom's Facebook group: tell everyone the advice you'd give as if their baby was a cat. (My baby isn't eating?! "Have you tried just leaving the food down on the floor a couple days? She'll eat is when she's really hungry.")

They booted me real quick for that. Don't worry, found another one with moms that have a sense of humor.