Separate rooms for b/g infants?


New member
Ok so I edited this post bc I was getting comments asking why I mentioned my twins gender. I posted it after a very rough night of not a lot of sleep.

We hit the 8 month sleep regression and my husband is pushing to separate them in different rooms— he thinks they will wake each other up way less. As they’re b/g twins they’re more likely to eventually have separate rooms and more likely for it to be at younger age than same sex twins.

I don’t want to put them in different rooms just because they may sleep better. As you know twins have a special bond and I don’t want to put a divide between that.

I figured we’d give them separate rooms when either (1) they requested it or (2) early elementary school.

When did you do separate rooms for your b/g twins?
@pvr B/G twins currently 26 months. Still room share and have no reason to stop doing so any time soon. They don’t disturb each other when ones asleep. But, they do comfort each other. When I put them down for the night, they babble and play together for upwards of an hour. I don’t need to be there to offer comfort as they know they’re not alone and have each other. Same with mornings. I can come downstairs, make a coffee and have a few mins to myself before I go get them. They’re both fully awake, but happy to lie and have a chat.

I’ll give them the choice once they’re old enough to decide how long they’re happy sharing for.
@katrina2017 I am not suggesting something sinister. Very confused by this.

I asked about B/g twins bc they’re a more likely than same sex twins to eventually not share a room. I always figured it would happen around kindergarten or 1st grade.

Curious if any parents separated earlier and if helped with sleep; they’re waking each other up right now during this regression.

I don’t want to separate them yet bc they are always looking for one another when they wake up they crawls towards one another cribs.
@areasoningfaith If they were same sex twins I probably wouldn’t consider separate rooms ever unless they asked. However with b/g twins I will eventually put them in separate rooms.
@pvr That's a bit strange. I mean, not all children are straight if that's what you're getting at? I just don't see the need to sexualise literal babies/toddlers? If you're looking for answers to your current sleeping woes gender doesn't really come into play here.

Also above a certain age if they can have a separate space for themselves to be alone they probably should regardless of gender unless they really don't want to.
@pvr Ours are 2 and sharing a room now. It makes things much easier for us that they are together. They will comfort each other at night and one is scared of the dark and having his sister nearby helps. We will wait until they ask or early elementary school, whatever comes first.
@pvr We separated our twins (boy/girl but that shouldn’t matter) at age 3 only because our son is an early riser (super early) and would wake his sis before she wanted/needed to wake. It had nothing to do with sex/gender and everything to do with lack of impulse control (son couldn’t resist waking sis) and difference in personalities (early riser vs not)
@pvr Where I’m from, there’s actually a law that opposite genders they have to have separate spaces after age 5. But that’s obviously a ways off for you.
@holly65584 That’s interesting considering some people live in tiny apartments. Luckily, in the US this is not a law in any state unless you have foster children or it’s in custody paperwork. Biological kids can room share at any age.
@blueyedlion Yes I’m not saying everyone here follows the law on it either, especially since we’re in the housing crisis. I think it’s more an issue if like CAS showed up or people were trying to foster or something.

Edit:still the law… but feel free to get mad about it I guess.
@pvr We are in the UK and mine are 6, we just got them mid level bunk beds and they still want to share a room, I'm sure at so point soon they will ask for separate rooms but for now they are really happ.and we made each bunk space personalised for them :)