Seems the wife could be pregnant at 42


New member
Hello ladies and gents,
So I’m 46, wife is 42. She’s missed 2 cycles and thought it may be early menopause starting. Her smell has changed and she’s tired. She took a test and the line is faint but it’s there. We thought we were done with kids. We have 3 kids 17, 15,& 10. We are scheduling a Dr appointment on Monday for some confirmation. She’s been reading online on what can cause a false positive. There’s a range of things which aren’t good like tumors and cancer. I’m like 95% she’s pregnant. It seems the most obvious. My question is, have any of you, or do you know somene in her age range that got false positives due to something besides pregnancy?? If so what was are the details.


Update: Wife got an ultrasound and baby is 9 weeks along. We in this one for the long haul. We are happy though and ready for the new chapter. Bring on the baby!!
@dawnbirduk As you have already found out, there are (rare) conditions other than pregnancy that can raise the hCG level. Whether or not anyone on Reddit who happens to see this post knows of anyone or is related to anyone who went through that does not change your wife’s chances of being pregnant or of having another condition. If it turns out your wife is pregnant, are you going to think the time you spent worrying about her having a tumor or something is time well spent? I know you are curious and anxious. Take some deep breaths, take a walk together, go on a date, whatever you need to do until you see the doctor and have further testing done. Best wishes for you both.
@katie23232 Not much to update other than she went to the Dr but can’t be seen for 3 more weeks. They did do a serum test and it showed pregnant as well. She’s got the morning sickness and is showing a little. We will have an ultrasound soon and will go from there. She waited awhile to get tested as she was in denial of pregnancy. I came to terms quicker than she did and convinced her to take one. We’ve told close family and my other kids were very emotional and happy. My wife and I are too. It’s a blessing not a burden. Just a blessing that’s a lot of work 😂😂😂

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