Secret day off...Update!


New member
Firstly thank you to everyone who responded, I was overwhelmed with responses and I read them all! So many of them I wanted to do!

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about. I booked myself a secret day off yesterday. Here is the origional post:
Anyways. My day took and unexpected but pleasant turn. It went like this:

7am - up as usual, morning chaos, left house with toddler at 8.30am

8.40am: unexpected call from my uncle. He has been going through some things and found a bunch if old photos. A lot of them are of my Dad (who recently passed) and would I like them?

9.30: having dropped the toddler off I went to his house, got the photos and called my Mum. Told her all about my day off and she LOVED that I had done that. I went to her house we went rhough all the old photos, cried, laughed had tons of tea and breakfast.

12pm: Went to the salon and got my roots done. Then went for a stroll around the town centre. Spoiled myself to some hair and skin products, now I had the time to stand and read what it was they actually did lol

3pm: Another unexpected phone call. My friend had gotten out of work early, am I around to meet for drinks and an early dinner? Yes I am!

3.30pm: Met friend, had a wonderful catch up over amazing food and one white wine spritz (believe me would have loved to have had more but I was still on nursery pick up duty!)

5:30pm: only a few minutes late picking up the little one. Got home. No one is the wiser.

6pm: confessed everything to my husband who laughed at me and said I that I could have just said I wanted a day off and not to be disturbed.

But if I am honest, I quite liked the thrill of the secret lol

The day taught me a lesson. That I need to do this regularly. You guys taught me that I am not a monster and I deserve it - you were all right. So, on Monday I'll be rebooking a day off per quarter. I'll have time to plan and do all of the wonderful things you guys suggested! Like a full spa day!

Thanks all for your suggestions and for reading. And those of you thinking of doing this too DO IT! Life is short, make time for yourself.
@maves This is wonderful!! Thanks for the update. I didn’t have time to read through all the comment in your original post but now I will! My husband is taking the toddler to visit his hometown for 5 days. I advocated to stay; and while I’ll miss them terribly as I’ve never been this long apart from the kid, I think moms DO need time away. I love your idea of a quarterly day off. I might steal that 😉 Love it. You do it mama!!!
@davidrogers222 I have a week with no husband/toddler coming up. At first I was sad to miss Mother’s Day with them, but really this is the best week ever! I still have the dogs. And school work, and my babysitting job, but so much free time!
@maves Love that you made full use of your flexible day (and that the universe had some good plans in mind for you already!)

And definitely enjoy the freedom of random days off whilst your small is at nursery, it's a pain when they're at school and you have to save time off to cover the holidays 😖 But you've inspired me to take a me-day soon nonetheless!
@derelekt Our school board plans a lot of PA days right before long weekends, which is helpful. One of the last non-long-weekend ones I took off the first half of the day and went to a maple syrup festival with my little one, really enjoyed that. I think I might do that more often now that the in-laws have a rambunctious puppy that outweighs the kiddo. I can still get myself a Starbucks and get an hour to myself if I get the screentime going LOL.

My summer will need every other Thursday off for childcare so hoping for some nice beach days out of it. May as well have fun with it!
@maves Thanks for the update. What wonderful things happened! Seems the universe was glad, and set your path for you. Every parent should take a mental health day and do something fun. Whenever it is possible. It refreshes the soul. I love you did it "in secret", and your husband's reaction. Perfection.
@meganleannex3 I'm happy for op, but also a little pissed that the universe can't get it's shit together for me, lol. 100% of my scheduled days off have ended in a child getting sick and having to stay home with me.
@yaak Haha I feel this sooo much right now. I finally was able to plan a babysitter so my husband and I can go on a date (first one since Christmas time). It was suppose to be for tonight and the kids got sick and I had to cancel 😩
@yaak Yup, same. I literally take my random days off the morning-of, after I’ve dropped off the kids and determined that nothing at work will collapse without me for one day.
@maves I’m not sure how this post ended up on my main page, but as a 22 year old with no kids I have no idea how you working moms keep up with it all. I just want to say I’m SO proud of you for prioritizing yourself. I feel like as women we tend to put everything in the world before our own well being. I Hope you enjoy those new products you got and feel rejuvenated after your you time. With that said, you absolutely should do this more often. ❤️
@maves I have a friend who takes the Monday off after Mother's Day for just this reason. Too many times the celebration is extra work for mom chasing around for a family dinner, nice clothes and avoiding stains, etc. Next day the Kids to daycare, and she to spa or whatever.

Sounds like your day filled your cup in all the best ways. Cheers!
@jonal76 That sounds like a great idea! I was just debating whether to have family time on Mothers Day or have a spa day and I do want to do both. Taking the Monday after off is brilliant!
@chasmate I agree! I learned about it after my kids were much older. But I'll never forget putting my toddler twins down for a nap after a particularly grueling mothers day brunch and falling asleep on the couch in their room for 3 hrs. Was bliss.