School board just voted in favor of 4 day school week for next year

That's so insulting to tell parents they were using school as daycare when your taxes go to pay for it especially now when the cost of everything has gone up and child care is so hard to find.

YES, thank you. On the one hand, I get it - teachers are not babysitters. HOWEVER, our society is now structured so that everyone is kind of dependent on kids being in school M-F. It's not the schools fault, but it's not parents fault either and to blame us (parents) for being logistically and to a certain extent, financially reliant on a system that we have no control over is pretty inconsiderate.
@missionaryofgod I thought the same thing. Though, I suspect two things (or more) can be true here. Teachers are demanding it. And the ongoing war against women being active participants in anything other than the family life.
@iferexo Teachers are definatley demanding it they don't make enough money to do what they do . I heard this will be happening all over. Its to give the kids a break too. But some areas are pushing year round school so if that happens it is only reasonable they get a day off the week .
@faithandlove8 My kids go to a semi-“year round” school. It’s freaking amazing. Kids get 8 weeks for summer, a week in Sept, week thanksgiving, 2.5 weeks for Xmas, week in Feb, and week in April off.

The district did it for one year- parents, teachers, students, everyone loved it. They changed it back the next year and everyone threw such a massive fit they switched it back before they year started. It’s been like this for 15 years now. Best schedule ever.
@j10 Does anyone offer “summer camps” during the off weeks? That sounds stressful for working. It’s easier to plan childcare for the summer when there’s a set schedule of camps and weeks that kids can visit family or everyone can take time for vacation, but my PTO doesn’t cover 6 1/2 weeks off of school during the year outside of the summer. If both working parents get the standard 2 weeks of PTO and never take a day of it together and never need a sick day or leave on a school day, you’re still short 2 1/2 weeks of childcare.
@iferexo If we valued women's work and adequately paid teachers, the majority of whom are female, then they wouldn't need to make these demands. It still traces back to the same root cause in the end.
@jenkinsl Who will also be stuck scrambling to rearrange their lives around a schedule that isn’t tenable for a shit ton of the families affected by it, quite possibly nearly all families. Just because it also screws people who aren’t women doesn’t mean that it isn’t dreamed up by people who view screwing women primarily as a win-win.
@wanttobefollower I grew up in a rural area. Our sports events started at 4-6pm, but the schools we competed against were up to 3 hours away. Depending on the sport, you need to get there an hour or two early to change and warm up. So if an event is at 5pm, 3 hours away, and they need an hour to get ready to compete, they'd have to leave school by 1.

Sports schedules were set ahead of time, students below a C couldn't miss school to compete (only played home games till grades were up), and most teachers had a couple of "make up days" throughout the term to do tests, labs, or get help on missing work. Non athletes basically got a study hall period that day, or an extra credit assignment.

That all worked pretty well. My school sports related complaint is the rifle raffles to raise money for state tournament trips 🙄
@wanttobefollower Do you have a camera in my house? A few weeks ago my husband had a day off that I didn't have and as I'm scrambling to get out the door to pick my son up from daycare after another day of not getting everything I needed to do done it finally dawns on me that my husband is just sitting in his office doing a dungeon and he should 100% be the one picking my kid up today so I can finish up my work day and not have to work more after kiddo goes to bed.

As soon as I pointed it out he was like, oh yeah you're right and off he went, but if I had the day off and he didn't it would have just been obvious to me that I'd pick the kid up instead of him. The default parent ness of it all just gets so under my skin sometimes. I work full time too!!
@martin777 Our elementary schools did this last year. I'm a sahm mom so it luckily didn't impact us so much. But I heard a lot of complaints from other parents that were impacted.

The high schools are in a a different school district so they still go Monday through Friday which is so dumb.
@westsidediva That is asinine because this plan will create childcare issues for parents of children too young to stay home alone… but it could be a godsend for overscheduled teens doing 4-6 hours of homework a night.

When I was in high school the kids at the top of the class were usually the ones whose parents let them stay home to study and get work done as long as they didn’t miss any tests. Because they actually had time to do it!