School board just voted in favor of 4 day school week for next year


New member
They made the decision on behalf of the teachers and students. Fridays will be a half-day “support day” for students who need extra support, but it’s optional. The decision was heavily impacted by teachers frustration with student athlete’s and having to always do make up work for missed Fridays.

They said parents shouldn’t rely on school as a “daycare”. So I’ll be finding alternative places for my 9 and 5 year old to go on Fridays next year. We have no family or real friend circle here. I used to work from home but am now required to be in the office M-F. I also have a child under 2, his daycare can likely take my 5 year old on Fridays at an additional expense. My 9 year old can stay home and play video games all day and turn his brain to mush.

I am just frustrated. I would be elated if I were a student, but as a parent in the work force, this is tough. There’s nothing we can do about it, just needed to vent.

Edit: I’m on a work meeting so can’t reply to everyone yet, but wanted to say thank you all so much for commiserating and validating that I’m not being unreasonable for being so upset by this. ♥️
@anywhere you'll be able to get out "wh-" before they'll be telling you JuSt StAy HoMe LiKe gOd iNtEnDeD.

don't forget that in addition to banning abortion, they're also trying to ban no-fault divorce. it's all part of the plan to roll women's rights all the way back to pre-WW2... possibly pre-1919...
@anywhere Got any uncles? Distant second or third cousins you've never met? They'll find someone to dictate your life for you. Can't let a woman do that herself!
@martin777 Yea, As a teacher, I would love this. As a mom, this would fucking suck. In reality, the US needs to go to a 4 day work week because fuck this shit.

The good news is, there will most likely be potions opening up all over your area for care, and maybe parents can get together to do like a... half-day hang-out thing where parents alternate hosting? They should have given ya'll more notice.
@giakhangkt1987 Teachers still have to work at least half days on Fridays which are now “support days”. As if the students who need extra academic support are going to show up to a non-mandatory school day when they could be off with their friends.
@martin777 Exactly… and when we had 4 day school weeks, the bud didn’t run on Fridays. So kids that relied on that to get to school and needed support, didn’t get support.

We did enjoy the four day week but our weekdays were longer and I was a stay at home mom. It worked for us in our situation. Now? Probably wouldn’t as much.