Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

@moialiceme Where in the heck part of the world did this occur where nurses are evaluating and making diagnostic decisions? Nurses are AWESOME and absolutely vital, but something is very weird here. I’m a PA in the USA, so that is my reference, but if this occurred in the USA then multiple laws were broken.
@moialiceme My wife works in anesthesia, everyone has a thermometer but I would also recommend everyone get a pulse ox. Reads your kids O2 saturation and can catch something like this very quickly. A lot of peace of mind can come from knowing your kid is getting enough oxygen when they have a cough or raspy breathing.
@moialiceme Only question is, why did you take her to the hospital 3 days in a row and not to her pediatrician office? Also why go to a regular hospital in the first place and not the children’s hospital???
@betsy789 We took her to the hospital that she was born at. It’s the only one in that city. I drove to a different city to where this is a children’s hospital. We didn’t expect that a hospital would just dismiss us the way they did.
@moialiceme Okay, that makes more sense with it being a different city. But it’s still important that you do appointments with the pediatrician and not the ER. And if your kid does have a fever, keep them in their diaper and give them a lukewarm bath.
@moialiceme Absolutely wankers, being overworked is no excuse to not even follow basic steps. Good on you op, I hope your post inspires other folks to stand their ground when needed.
@moialiceme I’ve been to different hospitals with my asthmatic son 3 times for breathing difficulties brought on by a viral infection. Each time the purse at triage listened to his lungs with a stethoscope and on admission to emergency they’d put on a blood oximeter. Typically my understanding is both of those would show pneumonia. Did they not listen to your little one’s lungs at all? If so that’s utterly weird/negligent.
@moialiceme Wow. All my experiences with hospitals and urgent cares with my children have been the absolute complete opposite of this. This is shocking to read.

Even minor stuff, every Doctor I have dealt with at an urgent care or ER has been great, always taking time to exam my kids, and explaining the need or no need for additional work ups or imaging. But whenever there was some doubt, they would always order the additional test or x-ray.

The urgent care is a pediatric urgent care only and the E.R. I prefer and the one I would drive to has a pediatric E.R. wing. I was shocked to read that even the children's hospital tried to be dismissive at first.

Good for you and thanks for sharing.
@moialiceme I’m a former military medic with diagnosed PTSD. My PTSD isn’t from seeing dead people, but from healthcare personnel I worked with … mainly nurses. My blood pressure increases every time I enter a clinic or hospital. I have observed many times how one person’s notation can change a patient’s life and how nurses talk shit about patients and their relatives unnecessarily.

I’m hyper vigilant when it comes to the healthcare of my family and this has served us very well when it came to my children’s births, formula shortages, and providers insisting on surgery. Fortunately for my family, my wife is a doctor (and we have many friends that are too), but it’s me that notices an issue before she does with the nurse or doctor.

You have to be your own advocate, especially regarding the health of your family. Don’t hesitate to get that third opinion!
@moialiceme Good on you. I ALWAYS take the kids to either our family doctor (15 mins away, appointment only) or the children's hospital which is about 50 minutes away.

Last time there, we waited for almost 8 hours. 6 in a room and 2 to get checked in. It was non-life threatening of course...but i dont care for the wait times....just want the kiddos to have access to people specialized in kids. I always bring a bag full of snacks, lunch/dinner things, drinks and ipads and chargers.