Running w/ a stroller


New member
For my runners, when did you start running with a jogging stroller and are there any that are rated for 6 weeks??? Also any tips to make it “easier”?

Two things: 1) I start training for my half marathon in January and for my shorter runs on warmer days I plan on trying to do runs with the stroller so I can do them with my husband and pup!

2) I saw one of my favorite running influencers go on a run with her 6wo and I was kinda surprised. I thought you’d want to wait for head control to be better.
@garvinhi Even without the stroller, most women should not be running at 6 weeks. Most pelvic floor physical therapists recommend more like 12-18 weeks.

Please be aware the 6 week "all clear" to exercise that doctors give is only about immediate medical risks (like haemorrhaging) and has nothing to do with what your body is ready for in terms of your long term musculoskeletal health. Running too early can train your pelvic floor into a cycle of failure (ie incontinence) that can take a long, long time to repair.