Runners: When Did You Regain or Improve Speed Postpartum?


New member
I’m 10 months postpartum and did my first road race yesterday since the half marathon I did February 2022 shortly after I learned I was pregnant. I stopped running about 20 weeks into my pregnancy but walked everyday until my water broke/stayed active. I resumed running in April starting at 10-15 miles a week and am now running 20 sometimes even 25 miles a week. I live in the NE and it’s been a challenging summer weather wise.

Generally my cardio feels great and I feel fit/-am more or less back at my pre pregnancy weight but I was probably unreasonably disappointed with my 10k time. I ran a 9:35 pace yesterday but was an 8:30 pace runner for longer distances at my most fit and running more like 30 miles a week. I’m also still exclusively breastfeeding but planning on weaning in the next few months so I think that will allow me to push a little harder.

I am just wondering when other ladies’ experiences were so I can set my expectations appropriately or figure out where to focus my training. My next race is an 8k in late November and I’d like come up w a realistic goal to work towards. Thanks!
@aliceb Everyone's experiences are different. I ran through both of my pregnancies till a few days before they were born. I started running at around the 6 week pp mark and slowly ramped up. After my first I was hitting PRs around the 11-month postpartum point. Granted I was then a stay-at-home parent and was a lot more consistent in my running than I was before I got pregnant. But again after my second I was getting back into potential PR shape at around 11 months pp. Again I attribute that to pushing a double stroller for 85% of my runs which made running solo feel much easier.

Keep at it, a lot of factors can influence your speed. Get a training plan and make sure you are putting in easy miles. Sleep and recovery are your friends, but not always possible with a little one. Hang in there you will be back to those speeds soon enough!
@matt1917 That’s awesome, good for you! Do you have any training plan recommendations? I work full time but have a pretty flex remote job so I usually do 3-4 mile runs during the work week between my husband taking our son to daycare and logging in and try to do 1-2 longer runs on the weekend as my time allows. I should have more “free time” soon with my son ramping down breastfeeding and would like to coordinate more training with better fall and winter weather.