Rotating car seat Recommendations for grandparents


New member
Hey everyone, I'm looking to buy my parents a carseat for when they watch our kid. Because of their age, I'm interested in rotating car seats to make it easier on them getting her into the seat.

I'm wondering if any owners of the Evenflo Gold Revolve 360 or Graco Turn2Me have strong feelings about their seat. What do you like/dislike about it? Better yet, if you were deciding on a rotating car seat, what made you choose yours over the others?

I know there are other rotating car seats out there. The Nuna Revv looks very nice, but realistically, this seat will only get used about once a week, so I'm not looking to spend $600.
@renestiatco We just bought the Evenflo and love it! It fits into our car perfectly unlike the Graco extend 2 fit. My husband is 6'4 and can still get in the driver's seat. The rotation makes getting him in and out of the car so easy. My only dislike is how bulky the shoulder straps are, but I also haven't been able to fool around with them to much because of baby.

My LO is 10 weeks and enjoys being in it unlike his bucket car seat.
@renestiatco We have the evenflo and have been really happy with it. I did kinda wish sometimes that we had an infant carrier style car seat but between the wraps/carriers and strollers we made it work. I also wish the 360 wasn't the only seat that evenflo doesn't put the safety alert thing on the straps but oh well.

Both grandparents have non rotating car seats and I find myself really missing the rotation when I use them
@leira How does your child feel about the position? I read in a review that the Evenflo can only be rear-facing in the most reclined position? We have a Chicco NextFit Max in our car and there’s two recline settings that work rear-facing. I’m not sure how much that really matters to kids.

We moved away from infant carriers pretty quickly because our daughter was 99.7 percentile in height at her last doctor visit and outgrew hers in under 7 months. She was so big it really wasn’t pleasant carrying her in it.
@renestiatco She's never seemed to mind the position. She's the type of kid that almost always falls asleep in the car though. There is a small range of adjustment while rear facing though
@renestiatco Love our Evenflo! I've got 3 kids so it's easy to switch between forward and rear facing depending on which of the 2 younger kids is in the seat. It's also fairly easy to clean, because you can pop the seat out without unbuckling the base. My only complaint is I feel like you need a little more space between seats in order to rear face, our old Graco didn't take up quite as much room, but moving the front seat up more is a small sacrifice for the other conveniences. So so easy to load and buckle the kids.