Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

@johnd Flying with a child was the opposite of soul destroying for us. I think most people either live on the negative or maybe their kid is genuinely difficult.
@johnd My kids are 1.5 & 3. We do a screen time cleanse the week before we travel. Then travel day is a free for all. Everybody gets a screen hahaha. It hasn’t been that bad for me so far.
@johnd We went on an international trip last month. Trust me, the airport/flights were the least of our problems. Book only the red eyes, let them be super active in airports and they'll sleep through the flight.
@johnd My kid loves all things transportation, so taking the train to the airport and then getting on a plane puts him in a great mood all day.
@johnd Just got home from the airport ourselves. My toddler was mostly an angel and certainly more of a delight than some adults on our flights, that’s for sure. We’ll be packing up and hoofing from the US to Italy this summer and after our recent trip, I am not worried at all.
@johnd You honestly will never know how it goes in the moment! Even with all the prep and special toys/ distractions, it could be rough. Totally depends on the toddler and how they’re feeling and reacting to the environment.
@johnd That’s because the issue for flying with a toddler is about the parents ability to cope with stress or not feel it at all. You get different experiences because not every parent can handle it very well.
@johnd Of course, don’t listen to a bunch of strangers. We did an about the same flight time with our then 3 yr old and it was fine. He was entertained, he slept and ate ok. We took lots of entertainment and snacks and a tablet, which he didn’t even use.

But we do a lot of long journeys, not by plane but mostly car. We do 24 hr trips to Europe and it’s fine. We take lots of breaks and go with the flow. Again, lots of entertainment and snacks. Made sure he got to run around a bit on the breaks but it was fine. First time we did this, he was 9 months old. This year we will be driving 3 hrs, crossing on a boat and then driving 7/8 hours. I love our trips. Next year it’ll be with another baby, that will be interesting for sure 😅

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