Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

@johnd yeah I've flown quite a few times now with my nearly 2 year old and it's been fine. Few difficult moments, few moments where I seriously questioned my life decisions, but in the whole, it was always worth it for us. I kept telling myself and my husband 'you can survive any for X amount of hours'. And we did!
@johnd Absolutely, we completely circled the earth with a 30 month old back in November and December.

I would do it all over again. Sure, there were loads of inconveniences but you go into it expecting them and getting your mindset right and they are barely a memory.

The one story I tell to people as the worst of it was when she woke up after sleeping a few hours on an 11 hour flight. She was crying uncontrollably and we finally figured out she needed to pee. She was wearing a overnight diaper (daytime trained for almost a year). So ok we got to the lav. Get in there and pull the pull up down and before we could get on the seat the flood gates opened. Big puddle on the floor. Use the, luckily still dry, diaper to soak it up. Clean everything up, carry her back to our seat with naked butt hanging out. Then you know what happed? Life went on.
@johnd I'm about to take my daughter on a 7hr flight tonight! We've taken her on long overnight flights before and she was fine. I booked a late flight and let her run around the terminal as much as she can, so she only lasts maybe 30 min to an hour before passing out. Even on daytime the flight home she got antsy, but mostly was happy with the activities I brought.
@johnd I flew with my toddler to Denmark (from USA) and he did great. Yeah rough moments but great. He has also flown on a plane pretty much 2 a year since he was 4 months old.
But flying can be rough because there is so much unexpected. It just depends on the kid.

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