Rash due to formula or another allergic reaction?


New member
Hi all- my LO has been combo for formula and breast milk for the last month or so. Before that he was only given breast milk- so far we’ve given him similac advance, similac 360 and Kendamil infant. I’ve noticed since we started doing formula he’s had this rash on his tummy- looks like sporadic red patches and little bumps. When I took him to his ped, she said it was an allergic reaction and referred us to an allergist….who cannot see us until January 🙃

Anyway- I’m wondering if it really is rash from the formula b/c of dairy? Before when he was only on breast milk, I definitely had a good amount of dairy in my diet…and he didn’t have a reaction like this. the rash doesn’t bother him at all and there’s no fever associated with it and it is only on his stomach.

We tried an experiment for the last couple of days where we just gave him solely breast milk, but honestly I noticed minimal change…still has red patches and bumps on his skin.
Has anyone else experienced this? Could this be a dairy allergy reaction?? What has your experience been?
@stephsgarcia My only thought is maybe eczema, and depending on where you live the change in seasons could be contributing to that. However, I would think a pediatrician could quickly identify that.
@stephsgarcia Hi! I know this post is really old but I’m curious if you ever figured out what was causing the rash. We just started Kendamil Goat with my 16 week old (previously exclusively breastmilk), and I noticed a mild rash similar to what you’re describing on his torso. Same as you, I have plenty of dairy in my diet and he’s never gotten a rash before when just having breastmilk.
@silvercaster So…I took him to an allergist when he was around 20ish weeks, turned out he didn’t have any major allergies- the allergist said it’s common for babies to get skin sensitivities around 4 months and that regularly using eczema lotion would hopefully help clear it up over time. So we basically had him covered in aveeno eczema lotion every few hours for a week-ish and it finally went away.
This was after we went to our ped for advice, they referred us to the allergist, who recommended the lotion.
We have him back on a mix of Kendamil infant formula and breastmilk and haven’t seen the rash in about 3-ish months.