[RANT] Teacher said my child (nearly 7, M) has the emotional maturity of a 2-3 year old. Fuck her


New member
My son is enrolled in French immersion. He's not perfect, we know there's something going on, the pediatrician says he MAY have mild ADD or some form of anxiety disorder, but nothing is clear at this point and he requires further testing and growth before they'll know what's happening. It's nothing a competent teacher can't work around (his regular teacher does), and he's generally a happy, fairly successful-in-school kid. He's no Einstein, but he's not a dunce either. The doctor said at his last appointment "look at his report card -- this kid is getting mostly B's, and quite frankly, he's fine. I have seen a kid today that tried to burn down the family home, a kid that killed the family pet, one that's being beaten. Your kid is FINE. The teachers need to relax a bit and learn to focus on the big picture."

This is the attitude I, too, have adopted. We do all the reading and math they ask us to do at home and then some. My poor six year-old comes home dragging his feet daily and asks (literally) every day "mama, do I have work today?" the second he's in the door. Fun life for a little kid. He's SIX. He needs to play with mud, and run, and yell, not do fucking equations. We're not preparing for Juliard here.

So today we go to his parent-teacher meeting (without him -- he doesn't need to hear his horror of an English teacher rip him a new one AGAIN, she's so mean). "He's only gone up three levels since last time we met..." HEY LADY, that's great! he's improving, yes? Is he sitting in the corner licking the bottom of his shoe? No? No, he can fucking read a book in English, in French, he can do basic math, he's great at art, dance, athletics, and he's incredibly kind, compassionate, he's a great problem solver, he has a ridiculous memory and he's thoughtful and imaginative, and interestingly weird. So stuff it.

But this is what made me need to vent. I told her that when she sent home his English book with many unfinished pages, that he sat right down and did the work. that's what he does at home -- he has a great work ethic, he'll work for us, because a) we offer him rewards, and b) we're fucking nice people. She yells. He's a shy invert and that makes him cower, so of course he gets nothing done at school. He daydreams for a minute, as kids do, she screams "BACK TO WORK!!" and he just about pees his pants. He's not going to write an essay for you, it's all he can do to stay in his seat, dragon lady. And because he can't work well while she's in the class (she comes into the French class three or four times a week to work with the kids to work on English writing projects), because he essentially tries to get away from the crazy by talking to his friends, or daydreaming at his desk, or playing with his eraser, or doing ANYTHING but talk to her/listen to her/work for her, she says to me "and he's VERY immature. He acts like a two year old, or a three year old." Well, fuck you lady, because honestly, I've seen my son work out some very complex problems and figure some shit out with his friends, and he can be quite mature when he wants/needs to be -- you just bring out the worst in him (and other kids too); maybe the tough kids can work with you, but you stomp all over the softer ones, because you're a troglodyte who wouldn't know finesse or teaching ability if it ran up and bit you on your big, warty nose.

So I tell her that he did the work easily at home and instead of saying something nice or maybe asking HOW we get him to do the work (you know, something useful?) this fucking Trogdor stands up, scaring the shit out of ME by the way, and says "God I could KILL HIM!!" holy shit ladies. Excuse me fucking WHAT?? You said WHAT now about my SIX YEAR OLD son? The look on the other teacher's face was priceless. You could have cut the air with a knife for a few minutes after that. Wow. My son did his work, you're mad? I have unlocked the secret to getting kids to do their English homework... it's being nice! Wow! So maybe if you weren't a complete whoresnack my son would be passing grade two? Is that how I should be reading his fucking report card? Forgive me if I don't put much stock in the publik skool sistym. You friggin rental tool.

Thanks for the rant girls. Jesus I need more fucking wine now.
@bangmegafan you're getting that lady fired right? right?? i'm an FLOORED at the "i could kill him" comment. hooooooooley shit this lady does not need to be anywhere near kids. (while i know she's not planning murder of the physical body but damn if she isn't doing it to the mental)
@bangmegafan What the mother fuck.

My husband works in a school and that does not fly.

Did you talk to the principal?

I dont know how you didnt knock the fuck out of her....
My son wouldnt be allowed around her and id let all the parents know why....

Your poor kiddo, im so sorry.
@ramostalaya Uh...I'm just speechless. What rational adult utters the phrase, "I'm gonna kill blah blah" in any professional setting? Throw my child and his education in to the mix and I'd be going after her job. She utters threats about the students, she's aggressive and condescending in her communications. That is not an acceptable teaching style and kids should not be made to feel scared to go to school and learn. Elementary school is the building blocks for learning tools. If a child learns to associate school with rejection, fear and anxiety, that could carry on into further education. This is a pretty serious, permanent impact she is imposing on these children. I'd be going over her head and asking around if other children feel this way.
@ramostalaya Not reacting was difficult. She is nuts, so I basically justvwatched her lose it and marvelled at her lack of professionalism. Then I came home and after kiddo went to sleep I got a little blitzed and called her names on Reddit.
@bangmegafan Urgh. My daughter's K teacher was horrid so for 1st grade I told the principal all I wanted was a nice teacher. Period. Nicest one. Her 1st grade teacher had a polka dot room and liked to sing. The K teacher retired. Grouchy ass.
Just another tiny update, I will update later if we see the principal...

I have decided this twat is not getting her Christmas gift card. We get them for all the teachers in our son's life in a given year. Ima keep hers.
@potski La merde sur son visage. (Shit on her face)

Baiser son ane. (Fuck her ass)

Or my favorite, Votre mère était un hamster et ton père éperlan des baies de sureau.

(Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.)
@bangmegafan You spoke to the principal regarding this, right? This person cannot say things like she is going to kill your son. Yes, I'm sure it was pure hyperbole, but it is inappropriate and shows that she has real negative feelings toward your child. The comments about him being as mature as a three year old is outrageous and inappropriate as well. You need to report her.
@bangmegafan With all of the zero tolerance to violence that the schools are adopting, I'm really confused how this woman still even has a job?? That would totally be construed as a death threat these days if a student said it.
@bangmegafan For what it is worth: my kindergarten teacher told my parents I was slow. Why?
  • I refused to count to 100.
I would count to ten, twenty, and thirty. After thirty, I found it repetitive because the pattern was the same. So I'd count 40, 50, 60, etc.

I also refused to "mingle". That was a huge problem for her. Never mind I was a weirdo kid, I just didn't "mingle".

So....listen: I am getting my PhD in English. I have all kinds of friends. Your son is fine, the teacher is at the end of her tether, you should just wait this shit out.

The next year? My first grade teacher noticed I was reading chapter books while my classmates were sounding out 'Cat' and she put me into TAG programming. Bad teachers are good for your kid. They are going to teach him to persevere through adversity. Don't protect him from that, let him live through it. It'll do him more good than you can imagine. Let him go through the bullshit. The very best lesson public school can teach is how to deal with assholes that don't like you. That will prepare him more for college/and or the working world than any SAT prep-course. Learning to navigate the unmitigated douche bags that littered my public school is what got me a free ride to college.

Public school is the best lesson in hoop jumping and social manipulation anyone can have. Let him figure it out. Jump in where you have to, but let him fight his battles.
@jaytcee I had a really similar experience in third grade. I had a teacher who just haaaaatttteeed me. We shared a classroom with the 4th grade class and I was always staring at their blackboard instead, or staring out the window since I was bored. Her solution was to recommend that I go to special ed. This despite the fact that I'd been at that school since kindergarten and no other teachers would have suggested that. She forbid the librarian from letting me check out books above my "level" - something I'd been doing since first grade. She cancelled my gifted&talented pull-out program. My parents were in the principal's office once a week. Eventually they pulled me out of that school because the teacher wouldn't budge.

So it's just a few months, or a year. I would absolutely report the teacher, but keep telling your son how you know he's doing great work, and that's what counts. You'll get through it.
@jaytcee My mom was once called into a teacher conference for my big brother in 3rd grade because he couldn't skip.

He has a Ph.D. in computer science now. As far as I know, he still can't skip.