R.I.P. THE TABLET 2020-2020

@lcr0111 My DD's bit the dust about 3 weeks ago by means of being submerged in the bath tub when I stupidly tried using it as a way to get her to tip her head back to rinse out her hair...I hope you didn't make the same mistake I did by ordering a cheap knock off. BIG mistake. For one, the thing sucked. It was super slow, the volume wasn't loud enough, & it didn't fit in the case right - which, I should've known. But what's more - DD knew how to use the old one. Even though I quickly ordered an exact replacement, it's like she doesn't believe me that it's not the shitty one & doesn't want it now - she wants Daddy's, that she knows how to use. Ughhh!!! My bad on trying to pass off the shitty one, but I made it right - it's the exact same, I promise!!!
@lcr0111 I feel this pain. I bought a Nexus tablet a few years back and after just a few short weeks, I saw it fly off the roof of my car at 50 mph on a bridge....it lasted a full 2 miles on there before it jumped to its tragic end.
@lcr0111 We are on tabby number 2. First one broke after 2 weeks because kiddo had a tantrum BEFORE the 8 hour flight home and it fell on a seatbuckle. Second one got stepped on by hubby because toddler left it on the floor. 1000% expected. Fortunately this time I could tape the screen and it's still mostly functioning! I will buy 10 more tabbies if it means there are some times I am not being crawled on.

RIP 2020 tabby!
@lcr0111 Oh my goodness! I just did this a month ago, with my own kindle-paperwhite

I left it sitting on the hood top so some task at the ice cream place, where my kids run around playing in the field for 20 minutes. (burns off that ice cream high)

Pull out onto the 6 lane road at and accelerate to 45, and watch it fly off the car and dust into pieces.

My husband played fogger to retrieve it. The case broke, it came out of the case, which was what I saw, and the front black frame part is super scratched. But it works fine. Lol. The screen is abs exactly the same.

I couldn't believe it.

So, all I can s is that someone might find it and have a perfectly kindle.

Maybe it'll make their entire year. (doesn't take much in 2020)
@lcr0111 What age do yall think a tablet is appropriate? My stepkids have had them since they were 2 which I as a childless stepparent found atrocious. Now as a stepparent with my own bio child I find it a little more understandable....but still too early for me personally. But I'm not sure what age is actually a good idea?