R.I.P. THE TABLET 2020-2020

@lcr0111 Having done this with several things in my day (though never a tablet) have you checked the first turn where you were picking up speed? That’s usually where they go flying off.
@supernaught16 We live in a low income high crime area, I'm sure it's long long gone unfortunately. I have no idea where it is. I actually left it on top of my mom's car and she drove home across a bridge so I'm gonna bet that it's in the bay 🙂
@lcr0111 I love the kids tablets from Amazon because of that 2 year protection plan. When we have had an issue, Amazon sends a new one so fast. Not sure how it works with a total loss, but everyone in customer support is so nice about it each time.
@matt444412 I looked into it and you unfortunately have to send in the old one and I'm not sure if my daughters tablet is

A) in the arms of a child who's parents found it on the side of the road

B) attached to someone's popped tire

C) sinking into the bottom of the bay when it finally fell off my mom's roof on the bridge

So I just got her the adult version of the amazon tablet because honestly we never used the kids profile on her kids one anyways. Plus it's alot cheaper. And they had a payment plan. Prayers this one doesn't end up like it's counterpart did!
@lcr0111 The best part about the adult one (I have one for my daughter), it’s cheaper and you can still pay 2.99 a month for the kids part.
For us we pay the annual fee, and it works out so well. We are coming up on her third tablet for her bday.
@lcr0111 We're on our 4th one in 2 years. I dropped #1 when I confiscated it from the kid. I accidentally put #2 in the washing machine. #3 will no longer charge...I suspect this is because as it turns out, there IS a limit to how much peanut butter you can accidentally drop on it then lick off while making a child's lunch. I tried to blame the kid for all of these mishaps, but no one believed me, as my kid (5) is very careful with her things.

I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please know that I am sending thoughts and prayers for you and your family during this difficult time.
@lcr0111 I did this with an iPad Mini and my spouse left the FIRST one in the bathroom at a mall. We're now on "Paddy Twilight Sparkle McGee III" and so far so good. The first one lasted from 6m to about 3, the second one 3-5, and the last one since. ;)

The one I left on the car I even drove out of our own garage. We got home REALLY late from a 4h drive then I had to take her somewhere early the next day, totally forgot I left the thing on the car.

Go free young tablet, you served us well.
@katrina2017 Doesn't save it from being left on the roof of the car and driving off with it up there though haha.

I do like the basic Amazon protector (and there's cheaper off-brand options similar), ours lasted until a kid stood on it last time. It gets dropped all the time, nothing happens. Stand on it and it's fucked though.
@dale_r This is why I am on Kindle #3. I have stood on 2 of them. The first time, I was on holiday at my son's house, and I wandered about muttering 'i can't believe I broke my Kindle' every 2 minutes for days. By the time I got home the new one had arrived. I was spending 5 hours a day on public transport, and the thought of being without it was unimaginable. I then went on to step on a second one, so obviously I am a slow learner. The current one is being babied, and never rests anywhere unsafe, so maybe I can learn after all!